Poster finds from the web

1968 poster for the Robert Markham AKA Kingsley Amis novel 'Colonel Sun'.
1968 poster for the Robert Markham aka Kingsley Amis’ novel ‘Colonel Sun’

1969. Art by Kim Whitesides.
Worlds Fair for Youth poster, 1969, art by Kim Whitesides

Poster for Raymond Bertrand‘s Studio 69 book – image also used on the cover of Suck magazine issue #1.

LSD poster
LSD poster, 1969, artist unknown – originally from Acid covers

Nam June Paik poster
Nam June Paik exhibition poster, 1965

Martin Sharp - Art For Mart's Sake invite 1966
Martin Sharp – Art For Mart’s Sake gallery show invite, 1966 (upscaled)

Retinal Circus 1968
The Velvet Underground at the Retinal Circus poster, 1968.

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