I was in the Ninja office today, sifting through boxes of press archive, found some amazing things, hilarious photos of old and some situations I don’t even remember. Lots of weird and wonderful people have passed through Ninja over the years and there are a lot of memories attached to it for me. I’m currently deep into the design and ongoing picture research for the Ninja Tune book which will be published this summer by Black Dog Publishing.
It’s a gargantuan project and one that we are not taking lightly – don’t expect the usual spread of press shots you’ve all seen before, we’re digging deep for lots of unseen material and it turns up in the most unlikely places. There’s no way it will all make it into the book but I promise to share some of the bits and pieces that don’t make it at a later date via this blog.
Also, these turned up today… Better res than Vimeo, I promise.
“Better res than Vimeo, I promise.” Seems like it should be a kept promise

Will this DVD ever go for sale?
Directions on how and when to purchase please. I will need a vacation just to get over the sheer excitement of owning such a DVD. Totally and utterly brilliant…………..
btw was it difficult to get a license of the video footages?
greetings from germany
awesome. do let me know when/where i can order the dvd. i’ve played this video so many times on my PC it’s ridiculous.
Love the mix. I’ve already extracted the audio and cut it into tracks for easier navigating. Also added chapters to the video. I was on my way to making a personal DVD, but I think I’ll throw some money your way for all the hard work if I could get a hold of this. You certainly deserve a contribution even without the DVD. Let me know where to address it. Thanks.
Really Ah yeah!!!! Amazing Kev, hope you have enough copy that I’d get one! 😉