A package from Henry Flint

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A package at the doorstep this morning yielded the next batch of posters to be signed for Scraffer.com and a copy of Henry’s new book ‘Broadcast’. This is the collection of doodles Henry did whilst in front of the TV and provided the artwork for my EPs over the last few years. Several of the pieces are featured and I get a mention but best of all – Henry had done a full page Dredd in profile on the inside page! The fanboy in me was grinning ear to ear.

The posters were multiple copies of the ‘Mad Man’ print of the image I coloured for the ‘One Man’s Weird… ‘ EP. For the thought bubble in the centre, Henry had drawn unique doodles on each poster so that each one is different. Here’s a gallery of 16 of the doodles.

I think these are all accounted for and will be sent out on Monday to everyone who has pre-ordered, there are still some left though if you fancy one.


Heads up

I never saw this before but was made aware of it by Nabil over at 3 Nipples Music (yes you read that right). It’s the Criterion issue of the Monkees‘ classic ‘Head’, unfortunately it only seems to be available as part of the America: Lost and Found box set and not as a standalone disc. My own ‘Head’ rescore is still online over at Internet Archive but who knows how long that will stay up.

Posted in Comics, Design, DJ Food, Film. | 2 Comments |

Package from Henry Flint

Nice package of art from Henry Flint for our joint exhibition at the Pure Evil Gallery next January. There will be original art from elements of the artwork for my album plus drawings from his book ‘Broadcast’ as well as limited full colour prints, photos, a sound installation and other treats I’m working on. I might break out some of my original comic art collection too…

Posted in Art, Comics. | No Comments |

Secret Oranges blogspot

My good friend Steve Cook has been going through his drawers and cupboards (and believe me he has a lot) and finding loads of ephemera from his days working as a designer for 2000ad, Dr Who, Starburst and many more. I know for a fact that he’s got tons of other interesting bits and bobs in his collection so take a look if the miscellania of comic history is your bag. The Secret Oranges title is a play on the Secret Origins series’ so beloved by comics publishers.

Posted in Art, Comics, Design, Magazines. | 1 Comment |

70’s Sci-Fi logos and magazine design

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Going through a couple of recently acquired Mediascene magazines today from the late 70’s and I was struck by how much more imaginatively designed the headers on some of the articles were. A lot of them riffed off of film or comic logo design of the age but were mini works of art in themselves. I’ve included various shots of comic logos from ads in the mags too.


DC Fifty-Too

If you pay even the remotest attention to the comics world then you’ll know that Sept 2011 is the month that DC reboot their entire line back to Issue 1, sweeping away all continuity, history and character development from years gone by. Jon Morris started a spin off site called DC Fifty-TOO! and asked artists to provide their own  interpretations of DC titles they’d like to see redone. Unfortunately we’ll probably never be able to read some of these treats, I picked some favourites but there are loads on the site, complete with artist commentaries.

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Hellboy – The Fury

Just finished this and I waited until I had all 3 issues before reading any. Absolutely amazing, the sense that England is being destroyed in an end-of-the-world scenario is very well done by artist Duncan Fregredo. I’ve been scooping up all the Hellboy books this year and reading one a month to play catch up as I stopped buying it years back, well worth it.

Even more exciting is the news that series creator and original artist Mike Mignola is going to be back drawing the comic again after years on just writing duties, also that the book he’ll draw will be called ‘Hellboy in Hell’.


Posted in Comics. | 2 Comments |

Henry Flint x Strictly Kev limited print #1

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Here we have what I hope to be the first in a series of limited edition signed prints of the work by Henry Flint that’s adorned my record sleeves over the last 2 years. The first one is ‘Life Cycle of a Machine’ that featured on my ‘The Shape of Things That Hum’ EP in late 2009 and was originally a B&W line drawing that Henry did which I have digitally coloured.

The giclee print is 64 x 47cm on 300gsm Somerset Photo paper which is 100% cotton and I can attest that the print is very high quality indeed. All will be signed by Henry and myself and will be available from Scraffer.com, sent rolled in a study cardboard tube. If these sell well there are plans for a further three prints featuring artwork from the album and EPs in the same format.

Fantastic Four #1 cover homages

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Comics fans will be familiar with the cover to Fantastic Four #1 whether they read the book or not, Jack Kirby‘s classic image of the Mole Man’s monster emerging from the ground, reaching out to grab Sue Richards whilst the rest scatter around him.

It’s been revived and parodied several times. both within the FF universe and by other titles, the latest being X-Men‘s Marvel 50th anniversary issue (I think, I don’t read these kind of comics).

A quick search, after seeing the Monster substituted for Galactus, revealed quite a few variations on the original, most cribbed from an existing article here on Comic Coverage. Thanks to Megatrip for pointing out extra homages too.


Posted in Comics. | 1 Comment |

Red Skull Incarnate by David Aja

Love this Red Skull cover, don’t know who it’s by it’s by David Aja (thanks JB) – check his blog here for more.  Here are a few more things from him in a similar vein. Nice to see comics quietly catching up on the graphic design side of things. I just found it whilst looking for something else, hmmm, 3 skulls in the last five posts.

Posted in Comics, Design. | 4 Comments |