DK – Cymatic Frequencies II Part 1

Check this exclusive preview of DK‘s new AV mix – ‘Cymatic Frequencies II’. This is, hands down, the best intro to any video mix I’ve seen yet. Yes the main footage is taken from the film ‘The Third & The Seventh’ but the way he’s overlaid the footage of the speaker into each scene is beautiful, watch it twice, I missed a couple the first time round. Also the minimal placement of the typography within the frame perfectly compliments the clip. It’s like an issue of Wallpaper come to life (sorry DK).

[quicktime width=”636″ height=”380″][/quicktime]

This is the kind of thing I want to see in video mixes, high quality, well designed and thought out sound and vision, he’s raised the bar here and it has been steadily rising all year with Mr Armtone, Hexstatic and DJ Cheeba helping put Solid Steel at No.1 in the iTunes video podcast chart. Debuting on Friday via Solid Steel you’ll be able to see and hear his best of the year round up, and this is only part 1! There’ll be a second session coming before the year is out.

The keen-eyed among you might have also noticed that there’s a new Solid Steel logo book-ending this clip, this has been in the works for nearly a year, batted back and forth and through all sorts of changes in between a million other projects and we finally nailed it last week. Here are a few of the myriad of versions we discarded.

DJ Food – A Magpies, Maps & Moons Reader mix

As the release of my new EP is imminent (Nov 7th) I’ve put together a special mix entitled ‘A Magpies, Maps & Moons Reader’, available on Solid Steel this Friday, to showcase it and the tracks that influenced me whilst I was making it.

I’m very pleased with this one (there are mix companions to the previous EPs in the Downloads section of this site) as I spent a long time doing special re-edits and remixes on some tracks. It also contains a couple the premiers of tracks by Pepe Deluxé and 2econd Class Citizen from their respective albums, both due next year.

If you like what you hear you can pre-order the EP here.

Solid Steel Radio Show 28/10/2011 Part 1 + 2 – DJ Food by Ninja Tune

DJ Format & The Simonsound mix for Paris DJs

The Simonsound is Simon James and Matt Ford (DJ Format). Sometimes we make music together and sometimes alone and maybe that’s a bit confusing but we don’t mind as long as people enjoy the music. When we started making music together as The Simonsound we didn’t want people to associate it with the music of DJ Format because it is so completely different but eventually we decided to let people know and just judge for themselves. The mix is a selection of Psychedelic/Electric records from around the world collected by Matt and put together by Matt & Simon. DJ Format‘s new album A Statement Of Intent is due for release in Feb 2012. Reverse Engineering by The Simonsound is available on Vinyl,CD & MP3.” (DJ Format)

A new mix from DJ Format and Simon James from The Simonsound for the Paris DJs site. I was also lucky enough to here a remix Format has just finished for a forthcoming Soundsci release, Hip Hop is alive and well is all I can say.

Soundcloud’s new plug in

This is my KLF mix ‘The Sound of Mu(sic)’ as visualised with the new Soundcloud plug in  It doesn’t seem to like Firefox at the moment (maybe I should update) but it works in Safari fine.

My Boards of Canada mix came out a little weird round the edges, I added the colour as I couldn’t get the colour on to work for love nor money.

Mat Ducasse / Skylab mix CDs now ready to order

Remember this a few weeks back? Well, they are available to order now if you send a ten pound note in an envelope to:
Matty Skylab c/o The Bootstrap Company, The Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL.
They are also asking people to include with their order anything related to The Night Sky – Space, Planets, UFO’s, Space travel etc for a mail art project.