This last one was part of a magazine article apparently
Original objects I own, usually artwork, a one of a kind, shown in detail
After owning Lo Cole‘s original paintings for Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s Welcome To The Pleasuredome for 20 years it’s time to pass them on to another Frankie fan. They’re going up for auction via Omega Auctions on July 4th – you can view the lot here.
These are the original cover, inside and back cover paintings Lo made for the album and I’ve requested the three paintings be kept together and sold as a set. An interview I made with Lo and the story of the artwork is here on my Art of ZTT site. With the release of ‘Relax’ approaching its 40th anniversary this autumn and the 40th of the LP next year, it’s time to pass these on. Possibly the ultimate Frankie collectable.
Highlights from unique, hand-stencilled, spray painted book by Savant, 2020 – 1 of 1
Ringbound, 19x19cm, 80 pages.
For more of his art visit
Follow him on Instagram
Jim Mahfood – ‘Caught In The Middle of a 3-Way Mix’, 2012
(420 x 420 mm, black ink on paper).

The Paul’s Boutique deconstructed mix that this image is for can be heard here.
Anyone of a certain age who was into sci-fi in the 70’s and 80’s will be familiar with Peter Elson‘s work, if not his name. His highly detailed spaceships and futuristic tech were as recognisable as Chris Foss‘s and I used to seek out the tiny ‘PE’ logo that he hid in most of his work time and again as confirmation that an image was by him.
*Special ‘Originals’ guest post – I don’t own this one* My friend David Rees recently bought this original painting from Peter’s sister (Elson passed away many years ago) and was kind enough to share these images with me. It’s fascinating for me to see the close up details of this piece – ‘Mission To Universe’ – that I first saw in one of the Steven Caldwell Terran Trade Authority books way back when. As far as I know there is only one book of Elson’s work collected, ‘Parallel Lines’, long out of print and shared with another artist of the genre, Chris Moore. That’s a real shame and he deserves wider recognition. The painting is shown next to the paperback which it was painted for below.

Check out this original Kevin O’Neill painting from the cover of the ‘Twisted Times’ collection – short Future Shock stories by Alan Moore from his old 2000ad days. This is on sale now from Artdroids if you have the hefty £6k that Rufus wants for it and underneath is the original book cover it was used for. “if I was a rich man, la la la la la etc”…
It’s a pretty big week for the UK comic 2000ad – this Friday the film Dredd 3D officially hits cinemas in the UK, based on the anthology’s lead character, Judge Dredd. The day after that the 35 year old publication hits no. 1800 with a whole host of new stories beginning for readers who want to jump on board. Not only that but the sister mag, the Judge Dredd-related Megazine bumps up its page size and includes concept images from the film as well as an exclusive prequel comic to the movie drawn by none other than… regular readers of this blog will know the answer… Henry Flint.
Being that I’ve read the comic since I was 8 years old and have stuck with it every week, through the printers strikes, the mergers, the format changes and the lean years when a lot of the original creators went to the States to seek fame and fortune (and better deals), this is a very big deal. I’ll be celebrating this nicely timed piece of synchronicity this week with a series of related posts leading up to the big weekend of Thrill Power.
First up I’m digging in the archives for some vintage artwork from the first golden period of the comic. Some of you may remember me posting the original artwork for Kevin O’Neill‘s ‘Tube Warrior’ last year, which is one of my most prized pieces of original comic art. That was the black and white line art but it appeared on the comic’s cover in full colour.
Enter Steve Cook, from the already legendary Secret Oranges blogspot, which amazingly celebrates it’s 1000th post this week. His collection of original production art is vast and we were going through a pile of images at his studio when the colour version of the same piece appeared at the top of the pile. Knowing that I had the original, and probably seeing me trying not to completely freak out in front of him, he graciously presented it to me for my birthday, for which I am eternally grateful. Note the header for the ‘Galactic Olympics’ booklet which was a fictitious games with things like ‘laser slalom’ as I remember.
2000ad Prog 174 cover production art, 1980.
Illustration: Kevin O’Neill – ‘Tube Warrior’ Colours: Tom Frame
(300 x 230 mm, black line art acetate overlay, paint on paper).

(59.4 x 420 cm, ink on paper).
I was recently lucky enough to win the original pencil sketch from a seller on eBay too…
(59.4 x 420 cm, pencil on paper – image is cropped down, the drawing is nearer A4 in size).
Original pencil and ink drawings for the cover of 2000ad Prog 1263.
Note from Kev Walker: “I blew them up on my printer, then drew the linework in ink. Then I scan the linework, and fill in the solid blacks on the computer and add any other stuff that needs adding. In Photoshop, nothing else.
They really should be classed as final pencils, because hardly anything changes from those. I draw at print size cos I find it easier to judge how much space I’m leaving for speech bubbles.”