Several items from my collection of Savage Pencil / SavX aka Edwin Pouncey‘s advertising for the Slam City Skates shop. (Above) A rare Slam City Skates bag from 1990, the reverse had a similar image but advertised the Rough Trade record shops, one of which had a space in the basement below SCS’s Covent Garden branch.
(Below) Several adverts by Savage Pencil for the Slam City Skates shop from 1986, 1984 and 1987. The 1976 – 1986 flyer is a Battle Of The Eyes production by SavX and Chris Long.
Poster / flyer
Beautiful flyer I picked up for the forthcoming Radioland UK tour where they re-imagine Kraftwerk‘s ‘Radio Activity’ album in sound and vision. More details here
Yep, he’s still out there, we may not have heard too much from Megatrip these last few years but his Tumblr site is full of the weird and wonderful, the sexy and the shocking. Check him out, you might even recognise some images from here too. Also, word is, he’s working on a follow up to the mythical Soundbank…
Just wanted to repost this flyer for the gig on Saturday in Samara as I love it so much. This one is slightly more compact and text-heavy.
The deadline is nearly up for the Dust & Grooves ‘guess my mix content’ comp and the full feature & accompanying mix should drop on the site sometime tomorrow. Unfortunately I’ll be traveling virtually all Friday for the gig in Yekaterinburg so I probably won’t get to post the links to it here (in an extensive liner note post) until much later.
The crowdfunded play ‘Cosmic Trigger’ opens in Liverpool and London this weekend and next week, based on Robert Anton Wilson‘s follow up to the Illuminatus trilogy but also taking in his life story. It’s being staged by Daisy Eris Campbell, the daughter of Ken Campbell who staged a version of Illuminatus in Liverpool back in 1976 that was pivotal for many people involved.
Being that I already mentioned Liverpool and the Illuminati then it follows that The KLF can’t be too far behind and Bill Drummond built the scenery for the original play. Jimmy Cauty is also somehow involved in the new version. There are a little too many intersecting factors in all of this so here’s some further reading if you’re interested:
The Cosmic Trigger Play – sets out what’s about to happen, it’s complicated.
Bill Drummond – 5 Things I learned from Ken Campbell – essential read, very funny.
Greg Wilson – The Gateway Drug – extensive, make some tea and settle in for the long haul
John Higgs‘ – Chaos, Magic and the Band Who Burned A Million Pounds – absolutely fascinating book chronicling the KLF‘s history from before and after they formed/disbanded, taking in the Illuminati, Dr Who, the number 23, JFK, Alistair Crowley, the banking crisis and much more. Buy it, even if you’ve no interest in the KLF, they’re just the springboard for a romp through the latter half of the 20th Century.
Lovely poster, designed by Matt Needle, for the showing of ‘Slient Running’ at the Eden Project in Cornwall which happened yesterday. See Pete Thorton‘s review over on Front Row Reviews for more of what went down.
Just announced: ‘Crate Expectations’ – a celebration of vinyl through music, film and record shopping at The Lantern in Bristol on February 7th, 2015. Myself, Cheeba and Moneyshot will be performing our newly AV’d up 3-Way Mix reconstruction of ‘Paul’s Boutique’ alongside DJ sets from DJ Format and John Stapleton. There will be the Colston Hall record fair in the day along with a showing of the Stones Throw documentary ‘My Vinyl Weighs A Ton’ and a record collecting Q&A featuring some of the guests playing. There’s also an after party at Start The Bus which could have a very special guest playing too…
Before that, this Thursday to be exact, I’ll be at the Watershed to take part in the BFI‘s Sci-Fi season by presenting a Future Shock AV set before a screening of Sun Ra’s 1974 film ‘Space Is The Space’. Expect lots of space funk, solar system synth work and more with Cheeba helping Lumin on the visuals. This set is free but you have to buy tickets for the film and ticket holders will be given priority if the place is full. Also look out for Cheeba and Ollie Teeba live-rescoring Plan 9 From Outer Space and War of The Worlds respectively over the coming weeks too.
A month later and I’ll be going back to back all night with Boca 45 for an all 7″ vinyl set at the Big Chill Bar on the 29th of November.
Go HERE to buy the album and download this and another Julian House-designed poster for free.
This guy’s work is phenomenal, that perfect balance of 70’s and 80’s retro, vague sci-fi overtones, interesting lost fonts, saturated colours and a distinctly weathered texture all round. Check out his site, Signalstarr Portals for more.
I love these examples of early Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back posters with alternate logos and artwork. Even the finished film poster above has a rare shot of the heroes with Leia in Chewbacca‘s arms and the uneven red ‘crawl’ logo which is quite badly rendered when you look at it.
Below is an even earlier version with Ralph McQuarrie paintings plus an invite to one of the first public screenings.
Below are what look like poster prelims for Empire… with a totally different logo design that I’d never seen before.
Then another, more finished version of the logo with original SW poster art adapted. Love the way Leia is riding side saddle on the version above.
Actually, for all I know, these could be fan art but all the images are sourced from the Star Wars Archives page on Facebook which lends some sort of credibility to them.
Below we get yet another logo with a Luke on Tauntaun image.
Lastly, a preview poster for Empire with a big “BEWARE!” warning across it, this certainly looks real.
Whilst in Utrecht the other week for a gig I noticed that there’s now a second Mega Record fair in April as well as the Autumn. Finders Keepers just posted this great poster as they will have a stall there too. I’ve been before and it’s the largest fair in Europe, absolutely huge, you need days to go round it.
2001: Space Odyssey (1968, r.: Stanley Kubrick) – Grafika: Gyárfás Gábor, 1979
Amazing film posters from Hungary via this website – plenty more there too, including the Star Wars ones I featured a while back.
Fahrenheit 451 (1969, r.: François Truffaut) – Grafika: Kemény György
Eolomea (1972, r.: Zschoche Hermann) – Grafika: ismeretlen
Phase IV (1974, r.: Saul Bass) – Grafika: András Andor, 1980
A New Hope (1977, r.: George Lucas) – Grafika: Felvidéki András, 1979
Alien (1979, r.: Ridley Scott) – Grafika: Helényi Tibor, 1981 és egy ismeretlen művész
RoboCop (1987, r.: Paul Verhoeven) – Grafika: Helényi Tibor, 1987