3 of the 10 Search Engine artworks found

Peep Rooks sent me this photo of one of the zoetrope prints I’d had inserted into the 4×12″ version of ‘The Search Engine’ for Record Store Day. He wrote, “I wanted to let you know that the zoetrope nr. 4 ended up in Estonia.
I ordered the record online about a week ago from a shop from the capital Tallinn and it found its place on a record player in the middle of nowhere near Viljandi.

… I did not have any idea what it (the zoetrope) was until a few days ago and now i am thinking..hehe – what are the odds? I wonder where will the other artworks end up…”

Another one turned up in FinlandMikko posted on this site on May 1st,“I am one of the lucky ten who got one of the artworks, ‘original master’ collage!
I live in Helsinki, Finland.
Thank you!”

So, that’s two accounted for out of the ten, (see the 4 collages and 6 zoetrope prints here), if you have one or hear of someone with one – bear in mind some buyers won’t even know about them until they discover them – please let me know.
UPDATE 19/12/15: Today Christoph Chilli G from Nürnberg emailed me these images of the collage he found in his copy of the album!

Christoph Chilli G DJ Food collage Christoph Chilli G+collage

Record sleeves influenced by Comics

In celebration of Free Comic Book Day here’s a small sampling of my favourite record sleeves featuring comic artists or groups portrayed in a comic setting.

Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force – Renegades of Funk by Bob Camp

Sigue Sigue SputnikAlbinoni vs Star Wars by Ron Smith

Sinister Ducks – March of The Sinister Ducks by Kevin O’Neill

RZA – Bobby Digital by Bill Scienkiewicz

Overlord X – Weapon Is My Lyric (back cover) by Simon Bisley

MF Doom –  Operation Doomsday by Doom

Newcleus – Space is The Place by Bob Camp

Newcleus – Jam On Revenge by Bob Camp

Icarus – The Marvel World of Icarus by Jack Kirby and various

EPMD – Business As Usual by Bill Scienkiewicz

De La Soul – 3 Feet High and Rising (inner sleeve) by Michael Uman

Man – Slow Motion by Rick Griffin

The Fink Brothers – Mutants of Mega City One (front and back) by Brian Bolland

Big Brother & The Holding Company – Cheap Thrills by Robert Crumb

Posted in Comics, Records. | 2 Comments |

Boards of Canada – Tomorrow’s Harvest

After a week of clues in the shape of records, radio and TV broadcasts, soundcloud clips and outside projections, all six numbers have been found. A page asking for a password (the 36 digits in correct order) appeared today and gave us this.

Then a link to this – the pre-order for the new Boards of Canada album, ‘Tomorrow’s Harvest’, out June 10th – at last! Can’t wait :)

Posted in Records. | 5 Comments |

I love vinyl and record shops but…

Why do I enjoy record shopping? Entering a record shop is like walking into a huge exhibition of the best and worst music design and packaging from the last half a century. The difference being that the filtering of the collection is up to each shop, a democratic selection based on local tastes and trends, not a predestined selection committee, omitting pieces that the curator deemed unworthy. Not only is there too much to possibly see but it’s a selection that’s ever-changing from week to week, full of surprises and totally free to enter. Best of all is that you can handle the exhibits (apart from the extra special ones on the wall or behind the counter) and if you wish you can leave with your favourite parts, bank balance withstanding.

To use another analogy it’s like leafing through a catalogue of both the known and unknown images of our age, an alternate musical history always nestling just a sleeve away from the accepted giants we’ve been told are ‘the greatest’ or ‘essential’. If one takes your fancy you can just tear out the page and add it to the ever-growing audiovisual scrapbook you’ve been curating since you had enough money and taste to start a collection. I especially like used stores because of the randomness and the fact that they exist outside of the ‘current’ music scene somewhat. Go into any new store and you’ll see a similar selection on the walls and in the New Releases racks, usually in multiples. Used stores inhabit a strange ‘now and then’ place, largely filled with unwanted items from the past but peppered with occasional upfront promos that some eager DJ or journo has already traded in to clear space. The unpredictable is what I like, the ‘Misc.’ section, the promise of buried treasure, the never knowing what you’ll find.

Record shopping for me is a visual, physical experience, rarely dipping into the aural aside from enduring whatever the staff want to torture their punters with to show how hip they are (I mean does anyone REALLY like Nico albums?). Of course some shops have a listening deck and I do use them as too many expensive ‘chances’ in the past have told me that I can’t afford such luxuries anymore. I still actually like the thrill of leafing through the unknown and spotting a sleeve or piece of packaging that invites me to pick it up through its cover design alone. I regularly buy used records because of their sleeves (foldouts, die cuts, special inks), intriguing handmade covers, odd vinyl pressings (colours, sizes, picture discs) and, sometimes, the design is just too nice to leave in the shop regardless of the music. As a format and carrier for art and design I find I’m drawn to records (and sometimes CDs too, there’s plenty of great CD packaging out there) even more than art books or prints and posters.

I like to think of this as ‘Record Roulette’, you take a chance that something that looks good or interesting might actually sound the same and it’s hit or miss of course (sorry, bad pun). But the excitement of the unknown in the bag for when you get home mirrors the buying experiences of old when shops rarely had listening posts and portable turntables were a luxury. One of the most enjoyable buying experiences in recent years was the Secret 7″ exhibition last year, where a combination of unknown art and music purchases had me tingling with excitement to see if I’d got the track I wanted. Also, in this on-demand web preview world, is the chance that maybe, just maybe, you’ll find a hidden gem that no one told you about. At the very least, you’ll have a nice item to hold and look at.

Whilst in a bargain basement recently I overheard a conversation that went something like this:

“I got given a turntable for Xmas, only thing is, I lost all my records when my life turned upside down over the years. Thing with the iPod is that you keep any old crap on there don’t you? But when you buy a record you really have to make a choice that what you’re buying is something you want to keep around”.

Having always had records and turntables I’d not thought about the current vogue for owning a deck in such terms and I found it interesting that this was probably being played out all over for people of a certain age. It also highlighted something that made me think that it wouldn’t be long before the harsh economic reality of this trend (here comes the ‘but’…) would essentially stop it in its tracks… the price of vinyl.

Another conversation heard later in the same shop:

“Are old Hendrix records all expensive?”

“If they’re in good nick, yes, unless they’re some old compilation, but the original albums are all pricey these days”

“Well I would go for the reissues but when you see the price of them then it’s not much difference is it?”

People ask me all the time in interviews, ‘do you still buy vinyl’? Yes, of course I do but in nowhere near the same quantity as I used to. There are a couple of reasons for this that have nothing to do with the digital age though. Firstly, I have close to 10,000 records, CDs, tapes etc.  I’ve done a lot of buying in my time, 30 years worth, I have a lot of what I want, my wants list is minimal, also I don’t have the space for much more, in fact I’m actively trying to get rid of stuff, not accumulate more. Secondly, I have a family to support and new records aren’t exactly cheap anymore.

As much as I love vinyl – mostly for the size, sleeve, physical side of it – I don’t go so much for all that ‘it sounds so warm’ ish – if I’m looking at a £20+ vinyl copy against an £8 digital version then I’m afraid the digital is mostly going to win these days unless that LP has some pretty fine packaging around it. Being that I’ve been DJing digitally since 2006 I don’t need a physical copy, let alone that some releases aren’t even ON vinyl these days – something that’s thankfully a rarer occurrence though. With a ‘resurgence in vinyl’ story seemingly popping up somewhere every other week in the last few years I’ve also witnessed a steady growth in the prices of new records with some crazy totals in the last year alone. £18 for a 10″, £29 for a single LP with a stick on sleeve, $30 for a 10″ with coloured vinyl, £12 for a 12″ and that’s before we even get into the deluxe box set territory which will total a months record spending budget in one fell swoop. One online retailer recently offered a batch of ‘warehouse find’ copies of a 5 track 12″ released in 2010 at £18.99, the original price only 2 years earlier? £12.99.

I’m not going to name and shame because a lot of these records are by people doing the independent thing, hence they’re making copies in limited quantities so their margins are tiny. But if you look amongst the racks there are also plenty of similar stories with major label artists too. I work in the industry, so I have a basic knowledge of costing out releases, I know roughly what costs what and I can see when someone is taking the piss with their prices. It’s not always the shops that are to blame either, several of the prices quoted above are from online retailers or labels selling direct with no physical shop or distributor to pay. Stores will buy in at a certain price and add their % on top as they do with everything, it’s in their interests to offer it at a good price because they’re in competition with all the online shops too so they can’t hike their prices unrealistically. I’ve had friends who’ve been turned down by stores because the cost price they wanted to sell their records at, so that they could break even, was too high for the store to retail it at once they’d added their percentage.

I understand that if you’re a hot artist or label then people will pay over a tenner for a one-sided, white label 12″ with no artwork and you can, for a while, name your price. I understand that is you’ve got a hand assembled, stenciled, stickered, screen-printed sleeve with coloured vinyl then you’re going to have to charge more and that’s fine, I’ll probably be in the line waiting to buy one too. I understand that for most artists a vinyl release is now little more than a vanity item, done in such low print runs that if they break even it’s a bonus. But the ceiling has been raised so high now that I feel some of the current pricing is preying on the hipster vinyl ownership crowd and it’s turning regular record buyers off.

*I started writing this months back – since then, Record Store Day 2013 has happened. I could probably add another hundred price hike horror stories to the above list but I’ll add just one. My own RSD 4×12″ repress release is currently being sold on the Ninja Tune webstore for £19 but I’ve seen it priced at £28, £32 and £38 in various physical stores since April 20th. Given that most towns will be down to one or two independent stores these days if they’re lucky then it shows that some will just name their price and see if it sticks.*

Nowhere is this more apparent than on Record Store Day, something I dearly love but has already been reduced to a scrum of genuine fans queuing for overpriced discs SO limited that you’d think the demand for some mainstream groups had shrunk to a few hundred. The new Blur single of a couple of years ago is a prime example, a print run so small that most shops were only allowed three copies. For a band of that size, releasing their first new music for some years, you wonder what the thinking was at the label aside from, ‘let’s really piss the record buyers off’. Facing off against them are the flippers ready to list as much on eBay before the day is out so that they make the tidy profit, not the artists or labels.

* see ex-Marillion Fish‘s statement that widely did the rounds post-RSD*

I saw so many major league artists who had runs of records in the hundreds, not thousands, which boggles the mind when the promotion for such an event means that attendance is tenfold. Major labels have the resources to press far higher quantities than indies, sure, and pressing more copies means margins come down and so should prices. I’m betting that there would then be plenty more buyers if those prices were sensible too. It’s not like there aren’t people selling records cheaply out there, there are plenty of labels with sensible pricing, even when something is limited. Unfortunately we seem to be getting locked into this limited edition, niche item spiral now (I saw a standard 12″ listed as ‘deluxe’ the other day) as well as being in the middle of a recession and all I can see is people pricing themselves out of the market.

(All photos taken at Record Palace, Amsterdam except the last panorama; Death of Vinyl, Montreal.)

Posted in Records. | 10 Comments |

New Quasimoto LP!

Appearing out of nowhere with only a brief tweet from Madlib a couple of weeks ago showing a test pressing of ‘the new Quasimoto album’ – here it is.

Available now on the Stones Throw store as a pre-order (with free 45) plus the album immediately available as a download.

Check the cover too, Lord Quas has gone for a Velvet Underground-esque sticker that reveals his insides when peeled. Who ever knew he had a bone in his nose?

Posted in Music, Records. | No Comments |

Boards of Canada mystery 12″s and codes

In case you haven’t been in the loop for the last few days it seems that Boards of Canada are finally coming out of hibernation with what appears to be a set of coded records placed anonymously in record stores around the world. Two have been found in New York and London with 20 second pieces of music and a code number that seems to be part of something bigger. Another code cropped up in a YouTube video on the Hell Interface channel (old BOC alias) and another was played on Zane Lowes radio show. Naturally BOC fans being what they are, theories have gone off the scale online and the updates seem to be coming daily at the moment. Keep an eye on the 2020k site for the latest updates, the best of which is that a close friend of the band has confirmed an album release for June this year – great news! :)

Posted in Records. | 1 Comment |

RIP Storm Thorgerson

Things have been so manic this weekend that I’ve only just found time to write something about Storm Thorgerson who passed away last Thursday. As part of the design group Hipgnosis, alongside Aubrey Powell and Peter Christopherson (also no longer with us), they pretty much defined the look of the rock album sleeve in the late sixties, seventies and beyond. You will know their work even if you don’t realise it; Pink Floyd‘s ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ being the most famous if not their best (as Storm used to admit). 10cc, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, Scorpions, Peter Gabriel, The Who, Black Sabbath, Yes, ELO, AC/DC, Paul McCartney and many more… without their work it’s doubtful magazines like Mojo and Record Collector would have much to fill their pages with these days :).

Seriously though, it’s hard to think of anyone else who dominated sleeve design more in the seventies with such a distinctive brand of photographic surrealism, all made pre-computer, on budgets most designers could only dream of these days. It was the age of the gatefold sleeve, Led Zeppelin led the way in deluxe packaging and the sleeve as canvas was in its heyday. Even though Hipgnosis disbanded in 1983 Thorgerson made the transition out of the rock seventies and into the flasher, poppier eighties, still designing for Pink Floyd but adding XTC, Def Leppard, The Cult and more to his portfolio. After Hipgnosis he moved into video direction before returning to sleeve design in the nineties and noughties for bands like Biffy Clyro, The Mars Volta, Muse and Dream Theatre, all wanting some of that retro record sleeve surrealism.

Pick up any book of album cover art and it’s a sure bet that he or Hipgnosis will feature, in some cases heavily although he did co-author the 6 Record Cover Album books in the 80’s so that’s no surprise. His sleeves for Peter Gabriel and The Scorpions used to freak me out as a kid first visiting record shops and I absolutely loved the tribal mask constructions on the Ellis, Beggs and Howard ‘Homelands’ LP sleeve. He’ll probably best be remembered for his work with Pink Floyd and I get the sense that he was at his most relaxed and playful with them, especially is the various compilations and re-imaginings of his past work he was called upon to do, the best being the ‘Echoes’ compilation imagery.

These days the art of the record sleeve is getting reduced to a thumbnail, hidden away, then forgotten, in pdf ‘booklets’ attached to download packages and lower resolutions for the web. When budgets are so tight that album design duties are relegated to online competitions for fans to enter, it’s important to remember and recognise how important the work of Storm is and was. He and others like him shaped the visual language of parts of the music industry and showed that artwork can be as important, controversial and powerful as the music it surrounds. * Special mention for the excellent Hipgnosis Covers blog too, I could spend all day there.

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Record Store Day 2013 ‘The Search Engine’ 4×12″ repress

It’s Record Store Day again and Ninja Tune release a four disc vinyl repress of the EPs that made up my album, ‘The Search Engine’. These are straight represses of the original three EPs (One Man’s Weird…, The Shape of Things… and Magpies, Maps & Moons) plus the Amorphous Androgynous remix 12″ from last years’ RSD (on black vinyl this time though).

The first three 12″s have been out of print for some time now and contain extra tracks plus some different mixes to the CD album, with some tracks also being full length versions. If your bought these the first time round there’s nothing new musically here I’m afraid. The poster covers are replaced by an eight panel foldout sleeve though, with remixed artwork of which you can see more images here.

In the spirit of the title, and to add a little something for RSD, I’ve had ten unique pieces of artwork inserted randomly into the first 600 copies of the album. Six high quality prints of zoetropes that I made for the exhibitions last year and four unique collages as seen in this post. All are 12″x12″ in size, signed, stamped and protected by a transparent sleeve.
If any readers of this blog find one, please let me know, I will post a photo of you here with your find and it will be nice to see how far they go out into the world. Everyone going to a store has a chance to find one of the inserts, they’re completely random and could go out to whoever orders them at stores participating in RSD. Even if you manage to get a regular copy I’d appreciate photos and locations and will post the best ones like last year.

The Ninja Tune online shop will have another 400 or so copies for sale the Monday after RSD so don’t worry if you can’t get to a store.

Secret 7″s project for Record Store Day

It’s that time of year again, Record Store Day looms this Saturday and the Secret 7″ project is back for another year. Initiated by Universal Records, it presents artists and designers with the chance to create a one-off cover for one of seven different releases, both old and new.

This year’s artists are Public Enemy, Elton John, Laura Marling, Nas, Haim, Jessie Ware and Nick Drake. Over 700 sleeves have been created and each will be available on April 20th at Mother, 10 Redchurch St, London, E2 7DD at the price of £40 each with the money raised going to the charity Art Against Knives.

You won’t know who has designed which sleeve or what song you’re buying (although you can take an educated guess) until you buy it, when all will be revealed. I bought three last year and it was one of the most exciting purchases I made in recent memory.

The sleeves were on view to the public last weekend and I managed to catch the last few minutes and snap some favourites before they closed the doors, which reopen at 10am on Saturday. I spotted work by Pete Fowler, Jonathan Edwards and Felt Mistress among them but Gilbert & George have contributed this year somewhere too.

Posted in Art, Event, Packaging, Records. | No Comments |

Demdike Stare – Test Pressing #1

The new Demdike Stare 12″ has a nice twist to the packaging and design. It comes in a paper sleeve, housed in a second thin PVC protective cover with an A4 insert and labels that are either black or white for sides A and B. On the front are instructions that customers would see if they had ordered their own set of test pressings to approve before a release.

For those that don’t know, once a record is finished it goes to a cutting house where they make a master ‘lacquer’ of the disc on a large lathe in real time. That lacquer is then sent off to the pressing plant and a small number of ‘test’ pressings are made, usually called ‘white labels’ due to the fact that a white label is pressed onto the centre where the regular label would go. These are then sent to the artist or record label to check that ‘the cut’ was OK and that everything sounds fine before proceeding with the full run of the pressing. It would be foolish to go through such a delicate and variable process without checking a sample copy before pressing hundreds or thousands of discs only for them to all be defective.

The new release is the first in a series of ‘Test Pressings’ by the duo and the cover sets out the various steps you should take when getting such a pressing yourself. Only the catalogue number appears on the front, no titles or even the group’s name (that’s on the insert) and the same thing is repeated in German on the reverse of the sleeve. I think this is their best release in a while, dark and sinister as usual but more beat-orientated this time around, in an industrial meets jungle kind of way.

Posted in Design, Packaging, Records. | No Comments |

Rat Records poster for RSD by David Vallade

Record Store Day is only 3 weeks away and, as usual, my local used record store, Rat Records in Camberwell, will be celebrating. I had great fun playing there last year and, as is traditional, my good friend David Vallade has out done himself this year with his poster for the event. They have six separate in stores this year, lord knows where they will fit everyone!

Rat doesn’t have any of the usual RSD releases as they are a used store but they have new stock every Saturday and will be stockpiling specials for April 20th I’m sure. If you’re South of the river and don’t fancy joining the scrum uptown but want to just rummage in the unknown and support a local business in the celebration of vinyl then this is a good place to start.

They are just off Camberwell Green, nearest tube is Oval, nearest overground is Denmark Hill and there are plenty of buses from Oval or Elephant that go straight there.

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The Search Engine – 4×12″ repress for RSD 2013

On Record Store Day this year (April 20th) Ninja Tune will release a four disc vinyl repress of the EPs that made up my album ‘The Search Engine’. These are straight represses of the original three EPs (One Man’s Weird…, The Shape of Things… and Magpies, Maps & Moons) plus the Amorphous Androgynous remix 12″ from last years’ RSD (on black vinyl this time though).

The first three 12″s have been out of print for some time now and contain extra tracks and some different mixes to the CD album, with some tracks also being full length versions. If your bought these the first time round there’s nothing new here I’m afraid except the poster covers are replaced by an eight panel foldout sleeve, similar to the original limited edition ‘Paul’s Boutique’ LP.

Each disc has its own sleeve and the spine measures a tasty 13 mm in width, easy to find in the rack for sure.
In the spirit of the title and to add a little something for RSD I’ve had ten unique pieces of artwork inserted into random copies of the album. Six high quality prints of zoetropes that I made for the exhibitions last year and four unique collages as seen below.
All are 12″x12″ in size, signed, stamped and protected by a transparent sleeve. If any readers of this blog find one, please let me know, it will be nice to see how far they go out into the world. I’m sure the Ninja Tune online shop will have copies the Monday after RSD so don’t worry if you can’t get to a store, everyone has a chance to find one of the inserts, they’re completely random and could go out to whoever orders them, not just stores participating in RSD.

A Psyche For Sore Eyes compilation

Getting a copy of this little release has been a mission, by the time I found out about it it was sold out on pre-order. I put it on my Piccadilly Records wishlist and hoped, badgered the label to repress it but they couldn’t afford to. Eyed up copies on eBay but didn’t want to give the flippers the satisfaction but finally succumbed when the label – Sonic Catherdral – put up one  of their final copies to raise money for Red Nose Day a couple of weeks back. I think it was the most I’d ever paid for a 7″ (two actually) but it’s going to a good cause so fuck it.

‘A Psyche For Sore Eyes’ is a beautifully realised package, designed by Heretic, to house two coloured 45s, a pair of 3D glasses and a whole heap of psychedelic imagery. The paper engineering is particularly clever in the way it accommodates each component and the glasses aren’t just a gimmick. Rather than have ‘look I can touch it’ 3D the red/green balance works more in an op-art sense, similar to the 3D underground comix designs I posted two years back.

Musically I wouldn’t call it ‘psyche’ as such, – it’s a compilation that swings from indie rock to shoegazing drones to electron-noise. Lead track, ‘The Correspondent’ by Hookworms, is so reminiscent of ‘A Storm In Heaven’-era Verve that it’s hard not to imagine ‘mad’ Richard Ashcroft on vocals. The Vacant Lots have been worshipping at the alter of Suicide but in a good way and the fuzz bass and reverb of Lorelle meets the Obsolete reminds me of both the 60’s and the 90’s simultaneously (see ’60, see ’90, go! anyone?*). Even though it’s hard to find in stores you can listen and buy digitally.

*(bad Bow Wow Wow joke – sorry)

Posted in Design, Music, Packaging, Records. | 1 Comment |

Kate Bush zoetrope picture disc

Another zoetrope picture disc – this time for Kate Bush‘s Record Store Day release of ‘Running Up That Hill’ (2012 remix). This will be on a 10″ but it’s not known yet how many copies will be pressed or how you’ll actually see this animate on the turntable. The design was put together by Peacock who also did the same for her last year – and check out the lovely homepage for Kate’s site here.

Posted in Design, Records. | No Comments |

Shogun Kunitoki ‘Vinonaamakasio’ LP pic disc / zoetrope

I’ve been meaning to post this for ages, it’s quite an old record now, being released in 2009 on Fonal Records. Shogun Kunitoki make epic organ-led instrumental space rock and their second album came as a picture disc which also doubles as a zoetrope. They even went so far as to issue a ‘Mystical Shogun Kunitoki Strobe Light’ with which to view the animated designs. The first edition is sold out but they have a few here, unfortunately the record is sold out though. Watch a clip of how it works and steps to build your own here. The Amorphous Androgynous included a track on one of their Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble mixes way back and you can check them out on iTunes.

Posted in Music, Records. | 1 Comment |

Machine Drum 10″ VIP release on Astrophonica

Astrophonica end their trilogy of VIP 10″s with Machine Drum‘s take on ‘Jungle Juke’. It works a treat and sits alongside the other two rather nicely. Each sleeve is screen-printed in two colours, hand stamped and the whole run is limited to 300 of each disc. Fracture and Om Unit head up the first two releases and they can be bought from here.

In other news, Machine Drum just signed to Ninja Tune! :)

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Electronic Movements/Sound Patterns 10″ on Trunk

The Trunk reissue 10″ of Tom Dissvelt and Kid Baltan‘s ‘Electronic Movements’ single with my original Philips 7″ version of the same. The reverse of the Trunk release has Daphne Oram‘s ‘Electronic Sound Patterns’, which I don’t have an original of so you get the reverse of the Philips 45. As usual with Trunk, this is pretty limited and available from the website now. Also there’s an excellent 8 page overview of everything Trunk in this months (Feb 2013) Record Collector magazine.

Posted in Design, Records. | 4 Comments |