2001: Space Odyssey (1968, r.: Stanley Kubrick) – Grafika: Gyárfás Gábor, 1979
Amazing film posters from Hungary via this website – plenty more there too, including the Star Wars ones I featured a while back.
Fahrenheit 451 (1969, r.: François Truffaut) – Grafika: Kemény György
Eolomea (1972, r.: Zschoche Hermann) – Grafika: ismeretlen
Phase IV (1974, r.: Saul Bass) – Grafika: András Andor, 1980
A New Hope (1977, r.: George Lucas) – Grafika: Felvidéki András, 1979
Alien (1979, r.: Ridley Scott) – Grafika: Helényi Tibor, 1981 és egy ismeretlen művész
RoboCop (1987, r.: Paul Verhoeven) – Grafika: Helényi Tibor, 1987
Star Wars
Vesa Lehtimäki aka Avanaut takes photos of toys but these take them somewhere else entirely as you can see in these examples and the many more on his Flickr stream.
I’ve been giggling along with these this morning with my kids who are extremely excited that Angry Birds Star Wars 2 is out today. This (in case you’ve been living under a rock) bolts the Star Wars franchise to the Angry Birds games and it’s done extremely well and with great humour in all the designs and promo.
It’s one of the SW franchise spin-offs that they got right and now it’s the turn of the prequel characters to get a turn. Which means you get to play as Darth Maul, General Grievous, Anakin and yes, even Jar Jar. Despite that there are some beautifully crafted promo films which I’ve honestly had more enjoyment watching that the whole prequel trilogy put together. ‘Boba’s Delivery’ has a brilliant moment with Vader and a carton of juice and Darth Maul‘s spot is just as cute.
Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys SNEAK PEEK TEASER FOOTAGE! from Plastic Galaxy on Vimeo.
Really looking forward to watching this in full when it’s out in September.
This is doing the rounds at the moment, very nicely done.
Very sad to hear the news that Carmine Infantino passed away the other day. I remember him from the time he used to draw Star Wars Weekly in the late 70’s as his distinct style stood out despite who was inking his work that week. As a result, he’s probably one of the first American comic book artists I noticed along with Micheal Golden‘s work on Micronauts. I didn’t have access to US comics at that time aside from the random samplings you could find in the spinner racks of some newsagents.
Bidding ended today on a collection of Star Wars figures on eBay, rather a LARGE collection by anyone’s standards, in fact this is supposed to be over 85% of all Star Wars figures of this scale ever produced since 1978. The collection of nearly 2,000 figures was sold for $11,500 and were donated by one-time ILM model maker Fon Davis to benefit the Rancho Obi-Wan charity.
I’ve taken these images from the eBay listing, each shelf is a large jpeg which you can zoom into by clicking. SW figures aren’t personally my thing save for a few of the older ones from my childhood but that is a collection and a half.
[youtube width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6lYFO_tKlE&feature=relmfu[/youtube]
I’m not going to comment on the recent Disney buys Lucasfilm story or the current media scramble to find out who will be starring and directing because… honestly, I don’t give a shit. As I posted the other day, the other SW franchise hook up is with Angry Birds and I have to say, this is very well done. My kids play the game and if the new films failed to sell it to a new generation then this is a good start on the next one.
Two new takes on an old concept – films as Penguin Book covers – with the, now ubiquitous original Star Wars trilogy and Studio Ghibli films too. The SW ones are available as posters by Studio Concepcion, the SG ones by 84/5 Studio as prints and a postcard set.
I went to the Star Wars Identities exhibition yesterday at the Montreal Science Centre which is full of over 200 props, costumes, figures, ships and production designs from the six films and beyond. The whole thing is tied together with a ‘quest’ to find your SW identity which you complete by selecting various characteristics from 10 steps amongst the exhibits which are then compiled into an image when you exit. I went for the original props though which are well worth it as there’s a lot and it’s pretty comprehensive, good for kids and adults.

I have a bit of a rep for being a Star Wars fan, yeah, I like it (‘it’ being the original trilogy), it was part of my childhood and always will be, but it doesn’t consume me. My studio isn’t littered with original SW toys preserved in boxes and I don’t own replica outfits for cosplay events. The newer films are worthless to me although I do enjoy a bit of the Clone Wars cartoons with the kids and the Star Wars Lego sets are great fun.
What I don’t need to see is things like Star Wars Kinect, themed Burlesque shows and R2 D2 leotards, Star Wars is for kids and the things that still move me about it are those steeped in nostalgia. The Retro Star Wars blog is a good example, the fantastic design and iconography of the films that seeps into fan made posters and graphics or the toy side of things. Where music and toys collide, in projects like the Rave Wars 7″s, I can appreciate this as a fun crossover and this new documentary – Plastic Galaxy – ticks both the toy and nostalgia boxes.
Love these, by artist Christopher Lee (no, not that one) – only $35 each + postage from The Beast Shoppe
The sequel is here (you know, the one everyone loves the most), new SW-themed 2 track 7″ with attached vintage figure. Also, if you missed it last time, they’ve repressed the first Rave Wars. Be quick, 200 copies of each only, more pics when I get mine in the post.
I made these for my boys over the last year or so, finally getting round to printing them up as posters for their bedroom. I claim no artistic credit for either aside from collecting the images from various multi-talented artists on the web and laying them all out. There have been several Star Wars ABC‘s attempted over the years and even more fine characterisations in a more child-friendly style. These images were mostly cribbed from JAKe, Joe Wight, Michael Fleming, Ben Ballestri and Steve Thomas. Images are of course all copyright Lucasfilm Ltd.
Always used to love Carmine Infantino‘s artwork on the early Star Wars comics. Pinched from the Retro Star Wars blog
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Going through a couple of recently acquired Mediascene magazines today from the late 70’s and I was struck by how much more imaginatively designed the headers on some of the articles were. A lot of them riffed off of film or comic logo design of the age but were mini works of art in themselves. I’ve included various shots of comic logos from ads in the mags too.