I designed a zoetrope for the recently released Hey Duggee Greatest Woofs LP picture disc! It was a lot of fun and you can see it in action using a third party stroboscope app. I recommend StroboScope myself, available on the app store.
Thanks to universalcollage for alerting me to these amazing tape reel boxes, once belonging to Louis Armstrong, now archived in an online museum on his website. There are hundreds of these plus even more pieces of ephemera to see, it looks like someone has gone through every piece of music-related item he ever owned and photographed it with notes for the site. Any one of these could be a record cover, sometimes both sides of the boxes are collaged and the ageing sellotape just adds to their appeal for me.
Looking forward to getting stuck into this history of instrumental, electronic hip hop (trip hop if you must) by Laurent Fintoni. Laurent interviewed me for it about 6-7 years ago so I’m glad for it to finally see the light via Velocity Press. Also featured from the Ninja stable are Coldcut, Roots Manuva and label manager, Peter Quicke.
Order here https://velocitypress.uk/product/bedroom-beats-book/
The above photo was my brief from Bill Drummond for the set I was to play at the JAM‘s Welcome To The Dark Ages event in Liverpool. I stuck it above my mixer as I was preparing the set, it’s something to keep in mind as we go forward into 2018. I spent most of the year in limbo, waiting in a chain for a property to come through. When it finally did in mid September, I pretty much ate, drank and slept it in between jobs as it needed a lot of work doing, hence no posts for the past two odd months. I’m in now and can see the wood for the trees but it did mean I largely dipped out of social media for the latter quarter of the year (probably not a bad thing).
Seeing as 2016 was such a shitter, in 2017 I wrote down all the good things that happened as the year progressed:
Got implicated in the KLF/JAMMs/K2 comeback media scrum because of an innocent quote in my 2016 round up
Started Further with Pete Williams – a multimedia music & projection night playing non-dancefloor sounds with analogue-based visuals plus food and a record stall – and founded a studio/ HQ in S. London
Pete Isaac (45 Live) found me a perfect copy of a long time wants list staple, Bam Bam’s ‘Where’s Your Child’ on 7″ for free
Got asked to play as Further at The Orb‘s ambient evening at the Royal Festival Hall in April and lit up the 5th floor balcony with 20 projectors
Mixed a Death Waltz Originals CD which was given away free at Halloween with Mondo/DW orders
Appeared on the Big Mouth podcast and played at the opening of Orbital Comics‘ exhibition, both celebrating 40 years of 2000AD
Found a set of Thomas ‘Eclipse’ plates, cups and saucers for a bargain price from an eBay seller
Pete managed to find a broken 6k projector for free and fixed it for £50
My kids got into the secondary school we wanted them to go to and aced it in their first term
The first Further event at the Portico Gallery was sold out and a great success with Ghost Box and Howlround as guests
Played the first Big Fish Little Fish in Athens which promptly sold out
Played three different street food festivals in the summer, love those sort of gigs, more please
Found a huge Barbara Brown dinner service in the charity for £15 – find of the year
Played at The Delaware Road performance in July inside a nuclear bunker with a host of electronic artists – a very special night
Asked to play the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu happening in Liverpool, which turned out to be one of the events of the year – who’d have thought it? A career highlight that saw me playing many of the tracks they’d sampled in their career alongside acid house classics and ending at 3am with a version of ‘In The Ghetto’.
Further went to Spiritland and we supported The Heliocentrics as part of the SYNthesis festival, both very special occasions even though we worked our balls off to set them up
The return of The The in musical, film and live capacity
Scoring a long time wants list LP – Yves Hayat‘s ‘Conversations Between The East & The West’ – direct from the archive of the composer himself and meeting him in London to receive the record.
Blade Runner 2049 was actually amazing and a worthy follow up to the original
The second major Further gig at the Portico Gallery featured Simon James playing a Buchla set to bespoke visuals we made and Sculpture slaying the place with their AV act.
Asked to support the Art of Noise at the British Library next March
Further featured twice in Electronic Sound magazine and I had an opening spread printed of my end of night image of the funeral pyre from the JAMs event in Liverpool
Taking my boys to the Colourscape on Clapham Common
Finally moved in and moved on
Asked to play a very special run of shows in 2018 that I’ll reveal soon…
OK, so 2017 was the year of the Lizard for me, I listened to more hours of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard’s music than any other band, but considering they released 5 albums this year alone it ‘s not surprising. Each album was different and they steadily got better with each release as the year progressed (disclaimer: I can’t speak for album no. 5 ‘Gumboot Soup’ as it came out today but ‘Polygondwanaland is probably my album of the year)
Brian Eno – Reflection (Warp)
Cavern of Anti-Matter – Blood Drums (reissue) (Duophonic)
Clocolan – Nothing Left To Abandon (Enpeg)
Run The Jewels – RTJ3 (Mass Appeal)
Revbjelde – Revbjelde (Buried Treasure)
Thundercat – Them Changes (Brainfeeder)
Jamiroquai – Automaton (the single)
The Dandelion Set – A Thousand Strands (Buried Treasure) (technically 2016 but copies got held up by distribution and it was more widely available in 2017)
The Heliocentrics – A World Of Masks (Soundway)
The Heliocentrics – The Sunshine Makers (Soundway)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Flying Microtonal Banana (and still playing the hell out of Nonagon Infinity and It’s In My Mind Fuzz)
Klaus Weiss – Time Signals (reissue) (Trunk)
Vanishing Twin – Dream By Numbers EP (Soundway)
The Allergies – Entitled To That (Jalapeno)
Jane Weaver – Modern Kosmology (Fire Records)
Ulrich Schnauss & Jonas Munk – Passage (Azure Vista Records)
Ilia Gorovitz – Turmoil/Simmering With No End (Rassh Records)
John Brooks – Un Autre Directions (Clay Pipe Music)
King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard – Murder of the Universe (Flightless)
Markey Funk – Witch Doctor / The Brew (Delights)
Nevermen – Mr Minute (Boards of Canada remix) (Lex)
The The – Radio Cineola Trilogy (Lazarus)
Hans Zimmer & Benjamin Wallfisch – Blade Runner 2049 OST
King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard – Sketches of Brunswick East (Flightless)
King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard – Polygondwanaland (Flightless)
Future Shock – 40 Years of 2000AD – Cartoon Museum (London) / Paolozzi at the Whitechapel Gallery (London), Will Barras at Sector 25 (London) / Barbara Brown and Lucienne Day at the Whitworth Gallery (Manchester) / Franco Grignani at Estorick Collection of Italian Art (London), We Are Watching: Oz Magazine – Chelsea Art Space (London) / Delta – Mima Museums (Brussels) / Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains at the V&A (London), British Underground Press of the 60s at the A22 Gallery (London) / Can Graphic Design Save Your Life? – Wellcome Collection (London) / Snub 23 at the Boz Boz Gallery (Brighton)
Books / Comics:
Out Of Time – Miranda Sawyer / Ian Helliwell – Tape Leaders (Sound On Sound) Book + CD / British Underground Press of the 60s (Rocket 88) / The Process Is The Inspiration – House Industries / B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth (Dark Horse) / Barbarella (Dynamite) / Swifty – FunkyTypo Graphix (Gamma Proforma) / Boris Tellegen – 86/97 – a black book (A Paper Book) / Batman: White Knight (DC)
RIP: Jaki Liebezeit, David Axelrod, Alan Aldridge, Dick Bruna, Clyde Stubblefield, Larry Coryell, Toshio Nakanishi, Chuck Berry, Skip Williamson, Jay Lynch, Mika Vainio, Adam West, Brian Cant, Pierre Henry, Anne-Marie Bergeron, Glen Campbell, Bruce Forsyth, Holger Czukay, Virgil Howe, Sean Hughes, Christine Keeler, Keith Chegwin, Dennis Dragon, Jim Baikie
Thursday – dubbed ‘The Day Of The Book’ – started with drama. At the Dead Perch first thing I was passed by Jimmy who was holding a tin of white paint, his face and shoes flecked with spots of it. Upon arriving at 10am at the Bombed-Out Church (originally the Church of St Luke – a stone’s throw from the Dead Perch), word quickly went round that he and Bill had painted Phil Blake‘s Ford Timelord car white, erasing the JAMs and KLF logos, much the same as they did in The White Room film. Footage was already on YouTube, dubbed ‘The Death of Ford Timelord’ in which a smiling but obviously mortified Phil turns up as they’re finishing and, seeing they mean to cover the whole car, drives off before they can quite complete the task. It was a strange way to start the day and one which wasn’t mentioned again save for one request for film or photos of the deed from those who’d witnessed it.
Later the web was aflame with keyboard warriors proclaiming it was a premeditated stunt, set up by those involved and that the paint was emulsion and could easily be washed off. I’ve known Phil for years and spoke to him later and I can assure you it was no stunt, he was absolutely gutted that two of his heroes were erasing his tribute to their past and it was not emulsion. He drove it away and immediately set to work with white spirit to undo the damage, managing to get most of the paint off before returning and making sure he parked well away from proceedings from that point on. Phil is one of the mellowest people I know, he’s just not the sort of guy to fly into a rage, especially at two people he admires so much despite what they were doing to his property. For all the armchair commentator know-it-alls out there watching from the outernet – he bought a ticket like everyone else and he’d have much rather not have had this happen despite the incident now placing him firmly within the Liverpool events for all eternity.
Why did they do it? Erasing their past maybe? Blotting out what they saw as an object that threatened to upstage them and didn’t fit into their plan? They certainly weren’t afraid to reference their past throughout the proceedings with the T-speaker, the Ice Kream Van, the Mu Mu gowns and the Dalek from the ‘Doctorin’ The Tardis’ video present at various points. The act left a bad taste in the mouth and I felt sorry for Phil, hoping it hadn’t ruined his enjoyment of the event. The JAMs have never shied away from pissing people off, defacing other people’s property or doing the unexpected and this seemed like a spontaneous but cruel reaction. For all the acts that they’ve perpetrated over the years there’s never been a direct victim in the way there was here. Perhaps Phil got off lightly as rumour went round that they were planning to steal it and drive it into the Mersey.
So, back to the plan for the day, we lined up either side of a central pathway inside the church and were given the designation ‘even’ or ‘odd’ by Oliver and Daisy again, depending on which side we were on. Drummond & Cauty arrived and then proceeded to tear out a page of their ‘2023′ book and present it to each of the 400, if you were in the odd line your page was the odd number and vice versa. We were instructed to respond to anything on our given page within the next eight hours and report back to the church at 6pm to present our findings. Whoever got the first page of the chapter you held the page from was the Chapter leader who we reported to and who would collate the creations for later.
At this point proceedings started to take on the air of an art project and I was getting flashbacks to the days of Camberwell college and an impending crit. People leapt at the challenge though and were creating posters and banners before we’d even left the church and we observed little clusters of ‘Chapters’ working out what they would do. I spent part of the day helping paste up my friend’s one-off single cover for a fictitious band, Flies In The Maelstrom. They were sworn enemies of Badger Kull (due to a love of badgers presumably) and who’s name, song titles, label and lyrics were all taken from page 205 of ‘2023′.
We pasted ‘their’ single cover over existing Badger Kull street posters and hash-tagged ‘KillTheKull’ on the web. The artwork was pasted over an existing Mike Oldfield record and sellotaped into a huge book provided by Daisy Campbell entitled ‘Grapefruits Are Not The Only Bombs’. This held descriptions and examples of the day’s work by all who decided to submit it and was later presented to The JAMs. But not before we’d convinced Ian Shirley – editor of the Record Collector Rare Record Guide and new KLF history ‘Turn Up The Strobe’ – that it was an original, one-off lathe cut single which we’d recorded and got pressed that afternoon. A message was even hand etched into the run out groove.
Each chapter had to present their day’s work to The JAMs at 6pm inside the church grounds and some had really gone to town with the conceptual nature, factoring wordplay, numerology and symbols already present into their poems, plays, songs, conceptual pieces, posters and sculptures. At one point we all found ourselves throwing tangerines at an effigy of Donald Trump, emblazoned with the words Tangerine Nightmare – a fictitious group from the book.
Some of the work was of course toe-curlingly cringeworthy, resembling the worst excesses of student juvenilia, BUT! everyone got into the spirit, got on with the task at hand and didn’t question the instructions despite no clue being given as to exactly what this was all for. In hindsight it had the effect that I imagine punk had, saying, ‘you can do this, NOW, don’t wait, get on with it, who says you can’t? get off your arse and make or do something, ANYTHING, and see what happens’. It was liberating, taxing and frustrating, it made you competitive, collaborative and use the resources to hand without worrying about the finish or making excuses. It made us, the 400, the focus of the day rather than the passive observers of the night before and, again, the work was done by others and then observed by The JAMs at the end of proceedings with little comment although Drummond seemed to be enjoying this a lot more than the hearing. It was becoming increasingly apparent that other people were making The JAM’s comeback happen after they had put the pieces in place.
Postscript: Speaking to Phil Blake about the car incident at length when I returned home, he told me this anecdote about the aftermath of the painting. After driving off he parked a couple of roads away and purchased bottles of white spirit and rolls of cloth with friends, then set about cleaning the car as best they could. Nearly three hours later they’d got most of it off and he drove back round the block to the bombed-out church where the proceedings were ending as people went off in their groups.
Suddenly he spotted Jimmy walking down the road so he put on the siren and shouted, ‘Thanks Jimmy!’ across to him whilst driving by. He said Cauty’s jaw dropped and he later heard that they thought he had a second car as a back up, not believing that he would have been able to clean it all off so quickly and thoroughly.
The weekend ended with a 5 hour set at Spiritland in Kings X on Sunday evening, using their new rotary mixer for the first time, sampling some of their delicious food and seeing more friends along the way. I took far less music than before this time and still didn’t manage to play everything. In a nice coincidence the DJ before me was finishing with The The‘s ‘Uncertain Smile’ and I planned to open my set with the new single, ‘We Can’t Stop What’s Coming’. (above photo taken from around the day in 80 whirls‘ Instagram)
The full mix is here too, less than 24 hrs after I played Full tracklist (I think) below…
The The – We Can’t Stop What’s Coming (Cineola)
Sterling Roswell – Kicks (Sterling Roswell London Recordings)
Blur – Out Of Time (EMI)
Neotropic – Sunflower Girl (Ntone)
The Stepkids – La La (Stones Throw)
Botho Lucas Singers und die Sound Masters – Zigarillo (Crippled Dick Hot Wax)
The Karminsky Experience – Summer Storm (Patterns of Behaviour)
Stringtronics – Tropicola (Peer)
Bill Plummer & The Cosmic Brotherhood – Journey To The East
The Indo-British Ensemble – Yaman (The Colonel’s Lady (MFP)
Prophets Of Soul – Changing Things
Vanishing Twin – Oblique Smile (Sound Way)
The Soundcarriers – This Is Normal (The Great Pop Supplement)
Mordy Laye & The Group Modular – Hunters of the Coral Reefs (Audio Montage)
The Simonsound – Nautilus (First Word)
John Murtaugh – Slinky (Polydor)
Bobby Hutcherson – Rain Every Thursday (Blue Note)
Marc Moulin – Stomp (Counterpoint)
David Axelrod – Holy Thursday (Capitol)
Mike Samms Singers – He Who Would Valiant Be (Action Records)
Jayson Lindh – Your Own House
The Karminsky Experience – Everything Is Cool (Patterns of Behaviour)
Vanishing Twin – Truth Is Boring (Sound Way)
Tortoise – Wait (Bundy K Brown remix) (Thrill Jockey)
Fridge – Of (Dub) (Go Beat)
DJ Food – Consciousness (Ninja Tune)
Manuel Gottsching – E2-E4 (MG.ART)
Scarper – Afterglow (Plexus Records)
Ulrich Schnauss & Jonas Munk – (Azure Vista Records)
Remi/Rough – Unconventional (Va Va Records)
Pye Corner Audio – End of All Eras (Boomkat Editions)
Jan Hammer – Darkness / Earth In Search Of A Sun (Atlantic)
John Abercrombie – Lungs (ECM)
Neil Ardley – Prologue / Rainbow One (Gull Records)
Vanishing Twin – It Sends My Heart Into A Spin (Sound Way)
Jane Weaver – I Need A Connection (Bird)
Visioneers – Come And Play In The Milky Night (BBE)
Thundercat – Them Changes (Brainfeeder)
The Pattern Forms – Don’t Let Me Dream (Ghost Box)
The Stepkids – Suburban Dream (Stones Throw)
Izit – Stories (Jackanory mix) (Perfecto)
Andre Previn – Executive Party Dance
The Sandals – Nothing (Dub)
Leftfield – Release The Pressure (The Rough Dub) (Hard Hands)
Belbury Poly & Spacedog – Find Me (Ghost Box)
Billow Observatory – Plum (Azure Vista Records)
David Sylvian – Camp Fire (Virgin)
John Abercrombie – Timeless (ECM)
Thundercat – Show You The Way (Brainfeeder)
The Stepkids – Brain Ninja (Stones Throw)
The Stepkids – Suburban Dream (Stones Throw) (Yes, again, someone was talking to me and I got distracted)
Joe Walsh – Theme From Boat Weirdos (DJ Food re-edit) (Asylum)
The Dandelion Set – The Tone Garden (Children’s programme version) (Buried Treasure)
Steve Moore – The Moon Occults Saturn At Dawn (Ghost Box)
Ulrich Schnauss & Jonas Munk – Anywhere But Here (Azure Vista Records)
Future Sound of London – Viewed Through Apertures (FSOLDigital)
Kosmischer Läufer – Die Kapsel (Unknown Capability Recordings)
Floating Points – Silhouettes (I, II & III) (Pluto)
Marc Moulin – Inner City Blues (Counterpoint)
The Heath Brothers – Smilin’ Billy Suite Pt.II (Strata-East)
The Beatles – Goodnight (EMI)
Four From Food Fridays – a weekly look at four music releases that have been doing it for me. They can be new or old, any style so long as it’s been getting some rotation in the studio. From top left:
Vanishing Twin – Choose Your Own Adventure LP (Soundway)
Orlando & Tomaga – Play Time: Music For Video Games DL (The Association for the Re-Alignment of Magnetic Dust (RAM)) *cassette sold out
Clipping. – Wriggle / CLPPNG / Splendor & Misery EP / DL / LP (Sub Pop)
This week has been dominated by Clipping. – hence five entries here rather than four. Checking out their back catalogue as well as the latest album on repeat. Also upon discovering Vanishing Twin’s album I checked out band leader, Cathy Lucas’ previous guise as Orlando.
New, previously unreleased Delia Derbyshire album (with Elsa Stansfield) on Trunk, the soundtrack to the 1972 film ‘Circle of Light’ by Anthony Roland. You can watch a short clip of the film here
There is a limited run of 500 copies of Circle Of Light on clear vinyl here, but, if that’s sold out by the time you read this, then there’s a run of black vinyl copies – not limited, which can be found here.
Kosmischer Debris, Op Art April, Instagram
I’ll be in Brussels playing at this FREE party next Friday, celebrating the Soul Inn crew’s 1st anniversary. All 45s set from me on this one – more info here https://www.facebook.com/events/1559005617760336/
Great use of music, looks like DC is going to have the hit it needs by making the bad guys the heroes
Incredible. By Pablo Carlos Budassi via IFLScience – read more about it here.
A year is a long time but when you’re working for the love of it and trying to pull together nearly 40 artists and writers to make a free comic that showcases the wealth of talent in the UK for children’s comics it can go in the blink of an eye. A year on from the first issue Moose Kid is back, helmed by Jamie Smart (who draws Bunny vs Monkey and Looshkin for The Phoenix amongst other things).
Among the old faces back from issue one like Gary Northfield (Gary’s Garden, Julius Zebra), Tom Paterson and Alan Martin‘s Young Tank Girl there are new faces too. Jonathan Edwards and Felt Mistress contribute a photo story of their character Tippy and one newcomer, Aisyah Stevens, is only 15 and was discovered at a Moose Kid comics workshop last year. You can read the new issue, as well as the first one, for FREE over on the Moose Kid website. Any parent with children who love comics should read this and, like The Phoenix, no adverts, no tie-ins to films, computer games or TV shows, all original content.
Looking forward to this in October. “A curated selection of classics, rarities and unreleased tracks from the On-U Sound vaults by DJ & Audio Visual artist Trevor Jackson (aka Playgroup / Underdog), renowned for his Metal Dance compilations of industrial-dance on Strut Records, having worked with the likes of LCD Soundsystem and Four Tet via his Output Recordings Label, and a recently released acclaimed multi edition album of his own music (FORMAT) via The Vinyl Factory.
This is the electro-fried avant-garde side of On-U Sound. Whilst still containing the dub DNA that define Adrian Sherwood’s productions, these tracks document a period when this sonic vision was realised through saturated sheets of electronics, reverberating drum machines and extreme chopped-up tape edits.
Fully annotated with sleevenotes that tell the story behind each track. Features 3 completely unreleased tracks (inc. a crucial early cut by Neneh Cherry) and 6 tracks that have never been reissued on CD or digital (inc. the amazing debut recording by a pre-Massive Attack Shara Nelson).”
Available on as a 2CD / 27-track set, or a 3LP edition that has 20 tracks on the vinyl plus the additional 7 tracks from the CD as part of the download card. Pre-Order Here: (there’s a nice T-shirt bundle available too)
Tracklist :
1. Ace Of Wands / The Missing Brazilians
2. Over Board / Dub Syndicate
3. Off The Beaten Track / African Head Charge
4. Chemical Specialist / Creation Rebel & New Age Steppers
5. Asian Rebel /Suns Of Arqa
6. Animal Space / New Age Steppers
7. Parasitic Machine / Alan Pellay
8. Quit The Body / The Chicken Granny
9. Stebeni’s Theme / African Head Charge
10. Dead Come Alive / Neneh Cherry & The Circuit*
11. When Tonight Is Over (US Thunder Mix) / Atmosfear
12. Loudspeaker (alternate version) / The Circuit*
13. Dee Jay?s Program / Fats Comet
14. Now What? / Tackhead
15. Move / Keith LeBlanc
16. Dub Storm / Fats Comet
17. Stopping And Starting / Voice Of Authority
18. Latin Temperament / African Head Charge
19. The Wrong Name And The Wrong Number (DJ Battle) / Mark Stewart & the Maffia
20. Kunta Kinte Dub / Singers & Players*
21. Melody Dub / Bim Sherman
22. Aiming At Your Heart Pt.2 / Shara Nelson & The Circuit
23. Forty Winks / Playgroup
24. Drilling Equipment / Dub Syndicate
25. Radial Drill / New Age Steppers
26. Quicksand Beach Party / The Missing Brazilians
27. 77 Emerging Strips / Little Annie*
* Previously Unreleased
Another great op-art .gif by Bill Tavis.
Just saw this on a blog – 2011 Mondo poster apparently – but look at that gorgeous type! Wow. By Aaron Horkey and Vania Zouravliov Title: Dracula Size: 23.75″ x 36″ Edition of 330 Mondotees Numbered Edition Screenprint. Just too many talented people out there. Long gone and $500 minimum on eBay…
Being on a bit of a Vangelis trip recently I decided to check out his back catalogue on Discogs and see what I was missing. One of his first outings was this soundtrack to the French film ‘Sex Power’, starring Jane Birkin amongst others (makes mental note to track that one down).
More reasons why a resource like Discogs is so essential these days (something I touched on a few weeks back) – it may not be complete but it’s as indespensible to me as Wikipedia.
I know, what the hell does that even mean?
Ma.K (aka Maschinen Krueger or SF3D) = Vintage line of Japanese toys by Kow Yokoyama and was one of (if not THE) originators of the weathered, realistic looking mechs and vehicles.
3A = Ashley Wood and Kim Fung Wong‘s toy company who have taken inspiration from Kow amongst others and raised the level of toy making higher than most in recent years.
Don’t ask when these will be available or how much they will cost because I don’t know, you just have to keep an eye on the 3A blog or sign up to their newsletter.
The 30 minute mix* I did for The Selector is now on Soundcloud featuring a section of the forthcoming Amorphous Androgynous remix of ‘The Illectrik Hoax’ plus a new unreleased 2econd Class Citizen track amongst others
Show 547 – DJ Food in the mix by British Council
Neil Norman – Re-Entry
DJ Food Vs The Amorphous Androgynous – The Electric Images In My Mind (Never Die)
DJ Food – Prey feat. JG Thirlwell
2econd Class Citizen – Stop 2 Wonder
Jane Weaver – The Fallen By Watchbird
Plug – Mind Bending
Fracture & Neptune – Trapped In Time
*This is actually only half of the mix, the full, hour-long mix will go online in two weeks
In addition to the prep for the Pure Evil gallery exhibition I was playing at the Pepe Deluxe album launch party at the London Aquarium on Monday night, mixing water, sea and surf inspired music before and after their ‘Queen of the Wave’ LP play back. Out came everything from Jaws, James Bond and The Deep soundtracks to Led Zep’s ‘The Ocean’ and Deep Purple’s ‘Smoke On The Water’. The gig was held in the Ship Wreck Room which has a whole wall of glass looking into a giant fish tank populated by all manner of sharks, fish and three huge Easter Island heads. It was fun to play to an audience who didn’t make requests and gently bobbed their heads to even the most obscure surf soundtracks.
I finally met Jari and Paul too (Pepe Deluxé) and they gave out mini books containing all the album companions they’d been posting on their site a well as nice little lunch boxes for the post-work crowd to chew on.

Not only is their new album, ‘Queen of the Wave’, (finally) out today but they have a new mix on this week’s Solid Steel too which you can listen to and preview some of the album right now. Buy it here (physical) and here (digital)
There’s also a great grindhouse-esque trailer for the record to give you some sound AND vision – seriously, you need to hear this album, it’s going to be a love it or hate it affair but if you love it you’re going to LOVE it. If you liked ‘Spare Time Machine’ then this is a worthy successor but also even deeper in detail, it takes a fair few listens but will have you humming tunes out of the blue before you know it.
In case you hadn’t already guessed, I love this band and record.