- RELEASED: September 2006
- FORMAT: 12″
- DESIGN: Openmind
- ILLUSTRATION: Douglas Pledger
- EXTRA ZEN: Batch 1 / Batch 2 / Osymyso Soundcloud
I was doing a gig in Nottingham in late November 2004 with Osymyso and we got talking about albums, the internet and how to get people interested in what you were doing and keep them interested. I had taken part in Otis Fodder’s 365 Days project the year before, posting an mp3 a day for free and Mark decided that his next album would take on a similar form.
Because he is constantly thinking about palindromes he had come up with the idea of doing 50 songs in 05 – roughly one a week – and then compiling them together to form an album at the end. When I suggested that he turn the ‘S’ in Osymyso to a ‘5’ the deal was sealed and we resolved to make it happen. He would handle the music and I would handle the design of it with his friend taking care of the website where the songs would be posted.
Alas, despite good intentions, a track a week is pretty hard going unless you have a stockpile beforehand and he managed 14 (I think). These were later released on Si Begg’s Noodles Discotheque imprint as two EPs with Douglas Pledger illustrations. Somewhere I have the designs for the other three records, I’ll have to dig them out.