iVCS3 by Jonny Trunk

01+02Well this is extremely cool – Jonny Trunk has dipped his toe into the app world and come up with an official EMS VCS3 emulator for the iPad! And it looks fantastic, well it would because it has the interface of a VSC3 (or a bastardised multi-screen version). More info here or you can buy it here.

In Jonny’s own words: “A few years ago I thought the idea of a VCS3 app was a good one. So I got permission to get one made. It’s taken ages. Here it is. It’s awesome, extraordinarily deep too, and with features form the suitcase Synthi too. And hopefully updates will be available with Radiophonic patches etc created by original Radiophonic superstars. Dead exciting.”

03 + 04

Longer tour and review here

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Dust & Grooves Book out RSD 2014

I’m pretty thrilled to see this book, by photographer Eilon Paz, make its way out into the world. If you’re not familiar with his Dust & Grooves site and you’re a vinyl collector then it’s a must. Not only am I featured in it as a collector (a full photo feature, interview and mix will be online some day after the book is done) but I also contributed to the text by interviewing Kieran Hebden aka Four Tet for a chapter of it. Here’s the blurb for the book:

“Eilon Paz’s 416-page coffee-table book illuminates over 130 vinyl collectors and their collections in the most intimate of environments—their record rooms. With a foreword by the RZA, compelling photographic essays are paired with in-depth interviews to illustrate what motivates record collectors to keep digging for more records.

Readers get an up close and personal look at a variety of well-known vinyl champions as well as a glimpse into the collections of known and unknown DJs, producers, record dealers, and everyday enthusiasts. The book is divided into two main parts: the first features 250 full-page photos framed by captions and select quotes, while the second consists of 12 full-length interviews that delve deeper into collectors’ personal histories and vinyl troves.”

US Street Date: Record Store Day, April 19, 2014
Worldwide Street Date: Saturday, May 10, 2014

10 tracks whilst studying at Camberwell College of Art

Arts London Music Magazine asked me to name 10 influential tracks to kick off their Rewind series. These are specifically songs that took me through my three year BA degree course at Camberwell College of Art in London during the years 1990-93. I wrote a little piece about each including design inspirations as well as a couple of old pieces of college work that I did in response to music-related briefs whilst on the course, unseen for 21 years pieces. To cap it all off I gave them a mix I made for a college reunion in 2012 that features many of the songs plus plenty more and runs for nearly 2 hours. Full track list and info in the link above.

ALM Mix 01: DJ FOOD – Citrus ’12 by Arts_London_Music_Magazine on Mixcloud

Below are some more detailed shots of the ‘Little Fluffy Clouds’ piece I made. It takes the Ricki Lee Jones interview that’s heavily sampled on the track and twists it typographically using hot metal and wood block printing on tissue paper (in itself a very difficult thing to achieve without ripping the paper). That was then mounted on clear acetate and meant to be hung away from the wall so that light could pass through it to reflect the cloud-like nature of the piece (student thinking huh?).

Found In Sounds #4

I’d been a bit slack with posting Sounds stuff the previous week due to spending half of it either on a plane or asleep from jetlag it seems. Above is Mick Geggus (I think) from the Cockney Rejects, a classic Punk (or should that be Oi?) image.

Above is an ad for the TSB bank that could happily serve as a cover for a Vaporwave compilation and below, Soft Cell prepare to release a single called ‘Tainted Love’

I’ve been posting charts this week as well, the sort you don’t really see very often – Eurorock, Japanese Techno Pop, Futurist and Video.

and finally, the end is nigh for Throbbing Gristle.

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Cheeba After School Special excerpt


I’m very pleased to be able to feature a little exclusive clip for DJ Cheeba’s After School Special AV event which debuts on Friday in Bristol at the Cube Cinema. Even more exciting is that it features one of my own tracks interspersed with Tim Buckley and Luke Vibert. Nice company to be in. The whole concept is an educational look at drugs from both sides and is more of a sit down affair than a club gig.

Posted in Film. | 4 Comments |

3-Way Mix interview and mix on Hardcore Classic, Sydney

On the last full day of the Australia 3-Way Mix tour we met up with Tom, Raine and the guys from Hardcore Classic, a Hip Hop show that goes out on the 2SER station in Sydney. We were quizzed for over an hour and played a short section of the live 3-Way Mix version before escaping the air condition-less studio and enjoying some down time. The interview starts at the 1hr 21 min mark and the mix follows it.

Hardcore Classic – Feb 28th 2014 (ft DJ Food, DJ Cheeba, DJ Moneyshot, Broken Thought Theory & Dboe) by Hardcore Classic on Mixcloud

At the end of the month we set out for 3 dates in France with DJ Format in support, should be fun!

The Art of ZTT updates

I found some time to add some more to my Art of ZTT blog, we’re on to Propaganda‘s ‘Dr Mabuse’ now with interviews with John Stoddart, Paul Morley, David Smart, Lo Cole and Garry Mouat to come this year… I’ve had to start watermarking some of the content as it’s been shared around on certain social networking sites without credit.

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Beautiful film posters from Hungary

2001: Space Odyssey (1968, r.: Stanley Kubrick) – Grafika: Gyárfás Gábor, 1979
Amazing film posters from Hungary via this website – plenty more there too, including the Star Wars ones I featured a while back.
Fahrenheit 451 (1969, r.: François Truffaut) – Grafika: Kemény György

Eolomea (1972, r.: Zschoche Hermann) – Grafika: ismeretlen

Phase IV (1974, r.: Saul Bass) – Grafika: András Andor, 1980

A New Hope (1977, r.: George Lucas) – Grafika: Felvidéki András, 1979

Alien (1979, r.: Ridley Scott) – Grafika: Helényi Tibor, 1981 és egy ismeretlen művész

RoboCop (1987, r.: Paul Verhoeven) – Grafika: Helényi Tibor, 1987

Humanoids buy original Moebius logo

Humanoid LogoVieux Humanoids (Les Humanoïdes Associés – roughly translated as ‘United Humanoids’), the French publishing imprint set up by Jean ‘Moebius’ Giraud, Phillip Druilett and others in 1974 has recently opened a UK office.

Instantly recognisable on shelves by their large HUMANOIDS logo on each book spine, they produce beautiful hardback editions of French and European comics include oversize versions of Moebius and Jodorowsky‘s ‘The Incal’. This year is their 40th anniversary and it looks like they have big plans for the international market.

Last week they had the chance to buy the original art for their first logo, drawn by Moebius and long thought lost, from an auction in Manhattan (above right).

Now that they have a UK office (as well as relocating their French HQ to LA and opening one in Japan) I hope we will see lots of new issues of classic material associated with their founders. Moebius’ ’40 Days In The Desert’ and ‘Quatre-vingt huit’ would be top of my list and I think the English translation of  the ‘Final Incal’ book is due any time soon (cover below not final and taken from Robot 6).

Posted in Art, Books, Comics. | No Comments |