Theodore Ushev directed the above video for “Demoni” by Bulgarian band, Kottarashky & The Rain Dogs. I first saw this on the RokRiot blog which is always worth a visit.
It uses a Phenakistoscope, sometimes known as a zoopraxiscope, to animate a circular loop, something I’ve been experimenting with recently in video and also the planetarium show I did back in January. The method was invented by Eadweard Muybridge and also similar is the Sculpture picture discs I’ve posted about before several times on the blog. A lot of times this method is called a zoetrope, which is similar but not quite the same thing, but it’s easier to say and remember.
This method has been used as far back as the 1950’s on children’s records which played at 78 rpm, mostly on the Red Raven ‘movie records’ label which would release nursery rhymes with a mirrored device that sat on top of the record as it spun to view the animations. See below for an example from my collection, the records appeared on coloured vinyl too, which you can sometimes find although they rarely come with sleeves, the center viewing contraption or in good condition.