“RADIO! – suckers (sometimes) play me”

I’ll be featuring on several radio shows and podcasts in the coming weeks – around midnight on the 19th, BBC 5 Live had a short post-planetarium piece too with Jamie Stangroom

Listen again here at about 46.00 minutes in.

Friday 20th I’m featuring on Solid Steel, talking to Dexter on the Ninja Tune podcast about the new album, artwork, collaborations and picking my top 5 records. I’ve heard the final cut of the show and it’s all seamlessly arranged by DK, a real labour of love. Solid Steel.net. iTunes podcast non iTunes

Monday 23rd should see a special space-themed podcast from Radio Cineola to relaunch the new TheThe.com. I’ll be talking to Matt Johnson via a satellite link up and previewing the ‘Deep Space’ version of our cover of his song, ‘GIANT’.

Next I’ll be talking to Ben Eshmade on the Arctic Circle Radio show on Resonance FM on Friday 27th at 9pm.

Arctic Circle Radio. Resonance 104.4FM. Friday 9pm to 11pm. It’s also on Chill FM (on digital) on Tuesdays at 10pm-midnight. It will be podcast a few days after the event as well. All ACR shows and mixes are available via jointhecircle.net/radio – Download the podcast here!

The Selector – again Friday 27th – The British Council/NME Radio will debut a 25 minute mix of UK-based artists with a 55 minute mix on their The Selector worldwide channel two weeks later. These mixes will feature exclusive new material including part of the Amorphous Androgynous remix of ‘The Illectrik Hoax’, plus unreleased tracks from 2econd Class Citizen and DJ Format‘s forthcoming albums.

On February 11th I’ll be dropping in to Jonny Trunk‘s OST show, again on Resonance, and playing space-themed records and nonsense, probably nerding out and talking all sorts of trainspotter stuff as I’m want to do whenever Jonny and I chat.

The OST Show. Resonance 104.4FM.
Saturday 4:30pm to 6:30pm.  Repeated Wednesday 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Listen again here

Posted in DJ Food, Radio. | No Comments |

64 Bar Challenge on Ninja Tune

Out today (with artwork by Remi/Rough) is a tidy compilation of highlights from the Ninja Tune forum instigated 64 Bar Challenge entitled ‘Boundaries’. Started by Kovas a few years ago, the concept was to make a piece of music in any style for 64 bars at a predetermined tempo. Numerous producers, both professional and unreleased, took part across the six different challenges and the quality was remarkably high. I was approached to mix the sixth installment and helped forward the best of the bunch to Ninja for a possible release, and here it is!

Released today digitally, with the option of a vinyl pressing after a certain number is reached coming soon via Ninja’s new Beat Delete arm, it’s 20 tracks of largely instrumental electronica by producers from the US, Canada, Russia, Chile, Australia and all over Europe. Congratulations to all involved and respect to Kovas for pulling the whole thing together, here’s a little preview put together by Tom Central from the Keep Up! crew, followed by a mini DJ Moneyshot megamix of various tracks.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71HuMfCSVhw&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

DJ Moneyshot – 64 Bar Challenge blendable by 64barmusic

Posted in Music, Ninja Tune. | No Comments |

Planetarium: important info for ticket holders

Well, the time is nearly upon us, the launch of ‘The Search Engine’ at the Planetarium in deepest South London. As this isn’t a regular gig and the margin for error is high, I’ve put together six main points for those who might not have properly read the transport and schedule info that came with the ticket. Timings are tight for the performances and there will be no admittance once a show has started and I’d hate for people to miss out by not reading the info properly.

Postcard records have arrived!!!

The 2 minute postcard records I’ve made specially for the Pure Evil Gallery opening on Jan 26th have arrived :) They are a thing of great beauty and I couldn’t be happier with them. 30 copies only and they will retail for £8 each at the show with any left over available from me direct via this site.

The fidelity isn’t going to win any awards but it’s better than some recent postcard records I’ve acquired and the track is an exclusive ‘discovery’ version of ‘In Orbit Every Monday’, only available here. If you want to make your own there’s more info on where to get these beauties made, and other sizes and formats too. Contact Kenneth Winkler: www.vinylpostcards.com/ or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Vinylpostcards

“This is Electric, and man we keep it charged”

Comics nerds fans among you may have spotted my little tip of the hat to one of comic artist Brendan McCarthy‘s first published works, ‘The Electrick Hoax’, in the title of a track on the new album, albeit with my own spin on the spelling. Appearing in Sounds magazine in the wake of punk in ’78 was a half page strip of utter madness, drawn by Brendan and, after a while, written by Pete Milligan, who McCarthy went on to do much great work with.

Packed with cultural references and trademark phrases the adhoc ‘plot’ featured cameos by the like of Jonny Rotten and Patrick McGoohan amongst others. Until recently only a few were available to view on the web, via Brendan’s site, but recently David Hine‘s excellent ‘Waiting For Trade’ blog has bought to light a few more, along with a couple of equally vintage strips from the Cipher anthology. More McCarthy here and here and also to come on this blog, maybe I should ask him to draw a special one-off episode for the cover of my forthcoming ‘The Illectrik Hoax’ remix 12″ in April?

Posted in Art, Comics. | 1 Comment |

Secret Oranges blog ping pong

I have to big up my friend Steve Cook who took this amazing picture of me at home with (some of) my records. The picture has already been printed full page in a couple of mags and we set it up to make just such an impact (had to use a pretty extreme lens to get it all in). The reason I’m highlighting it again is that it gets printed but magazines rarely credit the photographer so I’m just showing off his work as a thank you. Steve is another one of those annoyingly talented people who can do everything from graphic design, photography, retouching, colouring, teaching and whip up a mean blog piece every once in a while (well every day actually).

He also runs several self-designed web sites of his work, my favourite being his latest one, Secret Oranges, that focuses on his collection of comic or comic-related ephemera. From the first time I featured it though, shortly after it had debuted online only 2 odd months ago, the hits have gone haywire on the site and it’s quickly built an avid fanbase, keen to see what’s in Steve’s cupboards. I thought I had a collection but his is ridiculous, not only obscure fanzines, magazine cuttings and original stats used to colour B&W artwork but also personal scribbles from the artists he’s worked with and amazing items rescued from the bins that would fetch hundreds on eBay these days.

He has several different regular features running as well like ‘Largin’ it’ where he blows up a comic panel so you can see all the fine detail and print process, ‘Mint.Fine.Good.Fair.Poor.Well Loved’ where he scans some of his oldest, most well-read comics with all the trademarks of time intact, and ‘Other People’s Cupboards’ where he highlights fellow collectors’ storage spaces, of which I’m no.3.

He’s also preparing a book of his photos from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s clubbing and comic days and runs a section of his main site called Alternity where he blurs the boundaries of the present and the past with altered photographs. Also, also, also, he has the best ghost stories ever…

Planetarium launch entry details & set timings

Here’s the view from the top of Greenwich Park outside the Royal Observatory Greenwich where we’ll be launching The Search Engine on Thursday 19th January.

For all those going it’s very important to note: The park is closed after 6 to pedestrians, you can drive in through the Blackheath Gate but not walk or ride bikes, there is free parking outside the Observatory. For those coming on foot you can get a free shuttle bus from St. Mary’s Gate (just up the street from the Cutty Sark) or a free coach from outside the Greenwich train station (15 minutes transfer time).

Everyone who has bought tickets from the Ninjashop should have received an email with full details to be printed out and bought along to exchange for a coloured wristband, each different for each performance time.

You must bring your e-ticket to get into the transport provided, and to enter the venue. Beyond the main show show we have many things lined up, such as DJ’s PC, DK and 2econd Class Citizen in the bar, a cafe serving food and drink, the astronomy galleries, and more. Coaches depart 45 minutes before each show (shuttles buses every 5-10 mins) so make the most of it  and get there early, there will be no late admissions in the Planetarium itself! The event will be held on the south site of the Royal Observatory (entrance shown above left) in the Peter Harrison Planetarium (middle). But please do check the document and get there in good time for your performance. The event is open from 7pm-11pm.

Timings on the night are:
1900        Doors open. Café, bar, galleries and foyer open
1900 – 2230    Telescope viewing on Upper Courtyard

1900 – 2030    DJ set – 2econd Class Citizen
1920        Planetarium doors open
1930-2015    Planetarium show 1

2020        Planetarium doors open
2030 – 2115    Planetarium show 2
2030 – 2145    DJ Set 2 – DK

2120        Planetarium doors open
2130 – 2215    Planetarium show 3
2145 – 2300    DJ set 3: – PC (Narrick Peparcett) :)

2230        Café and bar close, Telescope viewing ends
2300        Event ends. Last coach departure to Greenwich Station

More exact details on transport arrangements: Shuttle buses
From 18:50, free shuttle buses will be available on a first come first served basis, picking up every 5 – 10 minutes from the park entrance St Mary’s Gate (located at the end of King William Walk, Greenwich Town Centre. Google maps:).

The shuttle buses will transport people to the Royal Observatory and back to St Mary’s Gate throughout the evening, last departure from the Royal Observatory to St Mary’s Gates: 23.00
The Museum is providing free coaches to and from Greenwich train station and the venue. The coaches will be positioned in the parking zone just as you exit the station (take Greenwich High Road exit). Coaches are white and marked “City Circle”. Please have your booking confirmation letter ready to be checked before getting onto the coach.
Departures from Greenwich Train Station are scheduled at 18.45, 19.45
and 20.45.
Please note these times are approximate and dependant on traffic; the estimated transfer time between the station and the venue is 15 minutes.

Posted in DJ Food, Event, Ninja Tune. | 2 Comments |