Here’s the view from the top of Greenwich Park outside the Royal Observatory Greenwich where we’ll be launching The Search Engine on Thursday 19th January.
For all those going it’s very important to note: The park is closed after 6 to pedestrians, you can drive in through the Blackheath Gate but not walk or ride bikes, there is free parking outside the Observatory. For those coming on foot you can get a free shuttle bus from St. Mary’s Gate (just up the street from the Cutty Sark) or a free coach from outside the Greenwich train station (15 minutes transfer time).
Everyone who has bought tickets from the Ninjashop should have received an email with full details to be printed out and bought along to exchange for a coloured wristband, each different for each performance time.
You must bring your e-ticket to get into the transport provided, and to enter the venue. Beyond the main show show we have many things lined up, such as DJ’s PC, DK and 2econd Class Citizen in the bar, a cafe serving food and drink, the astronomy galleries, and more. Coaches depart 45 minutes before each show (shuttles buses every 5-10 mins) so make the most of it and get there early, there will be no late admissions in the Planetarium itself! The event will be held on the south site of the Royal Observatory (entrance shown above left) in the Peter Harrison Planetarium (middle). But please do check the document and get there in good time for your performance. The event is open from 7pm-11pm.
Timings on the night are:
1900 Doors open. Café, bar, galleries and foyer open
1900 – 2230 Telescope viewing on Upper Courtyard
1900 – 2030 DJ set – 2econd Class Citizen
1920 Planetarium doors open
1930-2015 Planetarium show 1
2020 Planetarium doors open
2030 – 2115 Planetarium show 2
2030 – 2145 DJ Set 2 – DK
2120 Planetarium doors open
2130 – 2215 Planetarium show 3
2145 – 2300 DJ set 3: – PC (Narrick Peparcett)
2230 Café and bar close, Telescope viewing ends
2300 Event ends. Last coach departure to Greenwich Station
More exact details on transport arrangements: Shuttle buses
From 18:50, free shuttle buses will be available on a first come first served basis, picking up every 5 – 10 minutes from the park entrance St Mary’s Gate (located at the end of King William Walk, Greenwich Town Centre. Google maps:).
The shuttle buses will transport people to the Royal Observatory and back to St Mary’s Gate throughout the evening, last departure from the Royal Observatory to St Mary’s Gates: 23.00
The Museum is providing free coaches to and from Greenwich train station and the venue. The coaches will be positioned in the parking zone just as you exit the station (take Greenwich High Road exit). Coaches are white and marked “City Circle”. Please have your booking confirmation letter ready to be checked before getting onto the coach.
Departures from Greenwich Train Station are scheduled at 18.45, 19.45
and 20.45.
Please note these times are approximate and dependant on traffic; the estimated transfer time between the station and the venue is 15 minutes.