Ninja Tune, Henry and myself are very pleased to be partnering with the Pure Evil Gallery in Shoreditch and early next year to present artwork from my album and Henry’s forthcoming book ‘Broadcast’.
I can’t say enough good things about the bags and DJ equipment that German company Magma makes. DK and I have been using them for a while now and they have the suss to tailor some of their kit to exactly fit the airline baggage size restrictions which mean we can take these onboard when we fly because they fit in overhead lockers. Check out their new catalogue, they pretty much have a bag for every need and they are all customisable with pull out compartments. They also make laptop stands, covers and sleeves, headphone and needle bags and more.
12″ EP and download, out Nov 7th, available to preview and pre-order at the Ninja shop
Some very beautiful CD packaging was recently sent to me from the RX:TX label in Ljubijana, Slovenia. It’s a tri-panel CD pack with die-cut windows that show through various layers of card to reveal parts of the CD disc inside as the only colour.
The CD disc is designed so that it can be viewed either regular or upside down and the titles still readable. Depending on which way up you have the disc it changes the colours viewed through the windows on the other panels.
The amazing Augustine Kofie returns to the White Walls gallery in San Francisco next month for a new solo exhibition called ‘Circulatory System’.
I was lucky enough to see his previous exhibition there last year and he has posted two pieces from the forthcoming show here.
Also Kofie makes music as 4×4 Tracktor and he posted a soundtrack to the show
Lovely poster for the forthcoming Videocrash AV gig at the Rhythm Factory in London on Nov 11th, featuring DJ Cheeba plus Tom Central & Cosmo Lopez. Tom also designed this poster and there might be copies for sale on the night.
More gorgeous work from Simon Bent at Volume2a. “Science Vs Delerium is a series of illustrations celebrating some of the greatest scientists in history. The series was created to re-popularise these iconic figures.”
by Dr FaustusAU via Live For Films
Lovely book on the design of Sainsbury’s Own Label packaging from the 60s and 70s, curated by Jonny Trunk and designed & published by Fuel. Available now through the Fuel shop and coming to a bookstore near you soon.
[youtube width=”640″ height=”480″][/youtube]

[youtube width=”640″ height=”375″][/youtube]
incredible, beautiful, bravo!
The new EP – ‘Magpies, Maps & Moons’ – is up for pre-order on 12″ vinyl or download at the Ninja shop. The 5-track vinyl comes with a full colour inner sleeve, A2 poster cover and plastic sleeve, all for £5. It’s out in exactly a month but vinyl is limited so this is a heads up way ahead of time.
Amazing work from the tumblr of Volume 2a aka Australia designer Simon Bent.
Remember this a few weeks back? Well, they are available to order now if you send a ten pound note in an envelope to:
Matty Skylab c/o The Bootstrap Company, The Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL.
They are also asking people to include with their order anything related to The Night Sky – Space, Planets, UFO’s, Space travel etc for a mail art project.
Loving the new Martyn album on Brainfeeder, you can listen to a stream of it on their site.
The cover art by Erosie from his ‘Horror vacui’ series’ is exceptional as well.