Rammellzee Cosmic Flush #5: She One & Beans


Above is the artwork, by She One, for the 5th installment of the ‘Cosmic Flush’ series of 12″s – the final album by The Rammellzee (RIP). Remix duties come courtesy of Beans on this one and pre-orders are already open. There’s also a special exhibition of the art happening at the Magna Danysz Gallery in London on December the 10th, there will also be a catalogue for the show which can be ordered for those who can’t make it.

Bear Witness

#solid_steel #result_art #dk #bear_witness #stage_jump

A video posted by Anton (@mr.armtone) on

I think this is one of my favourite videos of the year. From the Resultart party DK and I did in Nizhny Novgorod in Russia last weekend (that’s him playing on the right) I wasn’t around for this but wish I had been. The party was in an old warehouse that had been left unused until just a month before and had been transformed with artwork and a huge video screen into a great club space. The soundsystem was SO loud that the bass frequencies were hurting my ears and rippling the screen of my laptop at times.


Polar bear video courtesy of Mr. Armtone who managed to find me a very rare ‘bone disc’ (see last week’s Flexibition) which I will treasure forever. Thanks Anton! :)DSC00002

Flexibition #45: Run The Jewels ‘Meowrly’ (Boots remix) / ‘Early’

Flex44_MTJ_Flexi1000In a change from the planned entry this week we have this little jewel (pun intended) which went on sale out of the blue last weekend and was kindly nabbed and written up by my good friends Leigh Adams and Sarah Coleman aka Inkymole – the people behind Factoryroad who were in town for the RTJ gig.

Killer Mike and El-P probably don’t need any sort of introduction, the latter being known to us via of a couple of stone-cold Cannibal Ox tunes already in the collection (surely Company Flow as well? – Kev). We were alerted to them originally by our friend Ed, who pronounced the word ‘jooooooooollllls’ in a way so delicious it couldn’t be ignored; fast forward couple of years and we’re the cheesy mega-fans* queuing up outside Warehouse Project with the ID-able teens and buying up T-shirts with giant-sized gold necklaces on them.

Meow The JewelsFlexi

This Flexidisc, a Meow the Jewels remix of ‘Early’ from RTJ II, has its origins in a joke – the weed-at-the-kitchen-table induced threat of remixing the entire Run The Jewels II album using only cat samples got such a response it became a Kickstarter project. If they could raise $40,000 (which RTJ considered ridiculous) they’d do it. It did – in fact it raised $65,000, after Geoff Barrow, Just Blaze, Boots, Automator and others got on board almost immediately. Half of the cash is to be donated to the families of Michael Brown and half to Eric Garner, in the US – the message being that ‘you don’t have to pick a team’ when it comes to victims of American police brutality.

Early’ is my favourite RTJ track and one of the most serious – about a young man being dragged from his home early one morning by police for no reason, and in front of his children – but is also musically one of the darker and minor-key worrisome ones, which is why I love it. Boots (producer) sings his little face off in the mournful chorus, and for this version is, of course, replaced perfectly by whining cats.

Tweeted the night before and on sale from 10am, the cash handed over for these two copies went straight into the coffers of Manchester’s city centre RSPCA branch, all £20 of it. It sounds rough, and the needle barely gets any purchase on the lead-in, but it’s a puurrrrfect memento of our RTJ weekend in Manchester. Ouch.”

*Kev’s word (did I say that? – Kev)

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‘The Delaware Road’ live, 14th Nov, Reading

London. 1968. Two pioneering musicians compose electronic themes for television & radio. They discover a recording that leads to a startling revelation about their employer. Fascinated by the occult nature of the tape they conduct a studio ritual that will alter their lives forever.

The Delaware Road is a psychological thriller & an audio-visual treat for fans of archived electronica, far out jazz & haunted folk grooves. Story written by Alan Gubby. Words by David Yates. Trailer audio & video synthesis by Jeffrey Siedler. For those with a taste for Radiophonics, Hauntology and Tape loops then this gig is a must.

Debut performance on Sat 14th Nov 2015 @ South Street Arts Centre, Reading, Berks.
Live performances by: Howlround, The Dandelion Set, Ian Helliwell, The Rowan Amber Mill, Robin Lee, Loose Capacitor, Tim Hill, The Twelve Hour Foundation & Revbjelde.

DJs: Jonny Trunk & The Séance (feat. Pete Wiggs from Saint Etienne)

Tickets: £15 advance, £13 concession; £16 on the door. Available here:
Price inc. free poster & advance DL code for ‘The Delaware Road’ compilation album on Buried Treasure Records. Seriously, check this album via the preview on the link, so many great tracks, if the live event even lives up to half of the album’s content it’ll be awesome.

Laugh-In magazine’s Moonlighting Monsters from Sept ’69

Laugh-In magazine was one of a host of humour publications that sprang up in the wake of Mad magazine’s success. It was a spin-off from Rowan & Martin’s TV show of the same name, cheaply produced and only lasted a year before folding. Going by the copy that I picked up in a basement over the summer, it’s not hard to see why, it wasn’t very funny at all, stuffed with filler to pad out the little of quality. I was drawn to some of the letter and graphic designs more than the humour content, for example the hand drawn headers and patterns you see here.

There was however one other redeeming feature worth keeping, a Moonlightling Monsters series of pin ups by John Strejan (who I’m presuming is the paper engineer of the same name), complete with period psychedelic lettering, that I’ve scanned and posted for Halloween.

KingKongLaughInSept69BlackLagoonLaughInSept69WolfmanLaughInSept69DraculaLaughInSept69HunchbackLaughInSept69 FrankensteinLaughInSept69

Three exhibitions in London

Three exhibitions that have recently opened in London, all highly recommended, tickets are timed on the Escher and Cosmonauts ones so book ahead. Unfortunately no photography is allowed at any of them otherwise this post would have been full of images. The Escher has 6 rooms stuffed with originals pencils sketches, litho and woodblock prints and even some original finished illustrations plus other ephemera and the gift shop content is compact but enticing.

The Cosmonauts exhibition has original and mock-up vehicles, pods, landers, sputniks, all forms of space suit and space wear as well as films, artwork, propaganda and more. The gift shop is so overwhelmingly stuff with Soviet art and design it’s hard not to want to walk out with half of it. The Eames I’ve not visited yet but plan to soon…


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New UGeorge LP & Free Halloween download

Vampire poster

Here’s a free Halloween-themed download by Soundsci MC UGeorge as Blacula in a special one-off download release for Hallow’s Eve. Digital only, grab it now and then check his new album, just up for pre-order, ‘The Many Faces of UGeorge‘ on World Expo. Darrell Krum on the artwork as usual.


Flexibition #44: Bone Music from the Soviet Union

This week I turn over the Flexibition to a very special guest, someone who is in the midst of researching and documenting some of the weirdest flexi discs in the world. Stephen Coates aka The Real Tuesday Weld has been collecting ‘bone discs’ from Russia for the last few years and, due to the subject matter with Halloween approaching, I thought he’d be the perfect choice to feature some of his collection.

“Some of the strangest flexis ever made were created secretly in the Soviet Union during the cold war era.
In a culture where the recording industry was completely controlled by the state, music-mad bootleggers used an extraordinary alternative means to spread the music they loved – they re-purposed used x-ray film as the basis for making records of forbidden music.

THE WINE OF LOVE (Вино любви) Pyotr LeshchenkoTHE WINE OF LOVE

But why would a song like the ‘The Wine of Love’ on this ‘bone record’ be forbidden? Its innocent, romantic lyrics don’t seem anti-Soviet in any way, but emigre singers like Leshchenko who lived abroad outside the Soviet Union rather than returning to help the great march forward, were considered traitors and so all their repertoire became banned, though it remained hugely popular.

Even before the revolution of 1917, the arts were subject to some control in Russia and during the Soviet period, particularly from 1932, a censor decided what could be published, exhibited or performed. By the time the cold war kicked in in the late 1940s, a lot of music was very difficult to get hold of – until the x-ray bootleggers got to work.  Originally they were really just music fans and audiophiles doing a bit of private business by copying records from before the war or the odd gramophone disc smuggled into the country, but up until around 1964, as the technique of making the bootlegs spread, something like a million of these ‘bone’ discs were cut. They weren’t pressed like conventional flexis but written, laboriously in real time at 78rpm with home made recording lathes, and so, incredibly, each is an edition of one –  sounding and looking different from all the others.


They are nearly always single sided, very thin and the sound quality varies hugely depending on the skill of the bootlegger and the quality of the film. They didn’t last long but were cheap and sold pretty much like soft drugs are now – in dark corners or parks. Another big genre of music cut onto them was Russian music made inside the Soviet Union but which, as the censor tightened, had also became forbidden because it had certain rhythms (like the foxtrot or the tango) which were considered licentious or was in a style or with lyrics that were considered uncouth or shallow. Basically anything that the authorities didn’t like or was thought unhelpful in developing a communist state of mind was out.

But the official stuff on offer was often very boring and worthy and so of course, as well as the homegrown music they loved, young people in particular wanted to listen to cool Western music, which although completely banned, might be caught on the odd radio broadcast from Europe. So jazz, rock n roll, boogie woogie and latin dance tunes increasingly began to appear on bone bootlegs.


From the late 1950s, there was another sub-genre of soviet flexi bootlegs on ‘audio postcards’ or ‘sound letters’.  These were picture disc recording blanks made for and sold in official shops – usually in tourist areas. People could go into these shops and pay to use a machine to record a novelty greeting for the folks at home or select one from a menu of official tunes to be pressed onto one of the picture discs. Of course, after hours or under the counter, much more interesting tunes could be cut and sold. These discs carried on being made right up until the 1970s.

But the ‘bone era’ of x-ray recordings ended around 1964, not because the authorities wiped it out or because of the brutal punishments they inflicted on the bootleggers when they caught them, but because in the more open climate of the sixties, ordinary citizens were allowed to have reel to reel tape recorders and immediately there was no longer any need for the laborious process, poor quality and unpredictable results of the x-ray flexis made by hand.

I first came across one of these discs a few years ago after I had been performing in Russia. Fascinated, I set up the X-Ray Audio Project with photographer Paul Heartfield to research, record, collect and publish their images and sounds and to tell the stories of the people who made and listened to them

For more information check out www.x-rayaudio.squarespace.com or my TED X talk”. (below)

The X-Ray Audio exhibition will be at Vivid Projects in Birmingham in November and will return to The Horse Hospital in London in December before traveling to further venues in 2016.

On December 5th I will be in conversation with Stephen at the same venue, showcasing various examples of the flexis I’ve been posting in the Flexibition, playing them and maybe even handing them around so that people can get a closer look. More details for ‘A Night at the Flexibition’ are here.

The book ‘X-RAY AUDIO – The Strange Story of Soviet Music on the Bone’ will be published in December by Strange Attractor Press and a Special Edition of 500 copies come with a flexidisc insert containing original Bone music.

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DJ Food ‘Music On A Shoestring’ mix [Psychonavigation 2000 – 2015]

MusicOnAShoetringHere’s the details for the Psychonavigation Records 2000-2015 mix CD I’ve just finished: 23 tracks from the 45 track ‘Music On A Shoestring’ digital compilation, mixed by yours truly into a 74 minute head trip. Here’s an online stream of the mix in full, see what you think…

If ambient electronica, deep space dub, classical piano and acoustic pieces are your thing then this is for you.
Some names you might recognise from the line up: The Future Sound of London, Autechre, Brian Eno, Alex Paterson, Thomas Fehlmann, Dr Atmo, Spacetime Continuum
It was very hard to fit all the tracks I wanted onto one disc as the hit rate on the compilation is so high, my original wishlist was 35 of the 45 tracks. You can pre-order the mix CD here or buy the full digital compilation for only €10(!), selected by label boss Keith Downey from the last 15 years of releases. I can’t convey how many beautiful tracks are on this comp and all for €10 is an absolute steal, some of them are available to preview on the Bandcamp page right now.

Basement Finds #1

I’ve just started helping a friend sort out a basement full to the brim with 20 years worth of accumulated records, books, magazines and assorted ephemera. The task is huge and it will take us months as we can only commit to one day a week at the most. Before we can even dig properly we need to organise it into some sort of order and along the way we’re finding all sorts of things. I’ll share these on here periodically, great, odd or funny cover art and the like, stay tuned…
BF_Steadman cards
BF_CD-vinyl combo

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Sun Ra ‘Space is the Place’ poster by Kilian Eng

Swedish illustrator Kilian Eng celebrates Sun Ra with this awesome “Space is the Place” poster for the Nottingham Contemporary Museum which is currently holding an Alien Encounters exhibition featuring him.

The 100x70cm, 7-colour print is in an edition of only 125, priced at £65 and will go on sale from the Black Dragon Press website this Wednesday 28 October 2015 at 3pm GMT. These will go fast!

Sun Ra detailSun_Ra_FINAL_3_1000

Electric Love Blueprint – A Brief History of Electronic Music

Dorothy-104 Electric Love_B Web

A brief history of electronic music mapped out to the circuit board of a theremin, which is widely regarded as one of the first electronic musical instruments, is available at Dorothy.

The Electric Love Blueprint celebrates over 200 inventors, innovators, composers and musicians who have been pivotal to the evolution of electronic music from the invention of the earliest known sound recording device in 1857 to the present day. Key pioneers featured include Léon Theremin, Bob Moog, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Brian Eno, Kraftwerk, John Cage, New Order and Aphex Twin.

The 60 x 80cm metallic silver screen print includes areas dedicated to specific genres such as the electroacoustic Musique Concrète, Krautrock, Synth Pop, Acid House and Electronica. There are also references to the experimental BBC Radiophonic Workshop and innovating record labels Mute and WarpBuy here:

Dorothy-104 Electric Love_2 Web Dorothy-104 Electric Love_3 Web Dorothy-104 Electric Love_4 Web  Dorothy-104 Electric Love_H Web

Flexibition #43: Travel postcard records

I know very little about these except that they obviously all advertise the delights of the places they come from. The Montreal one looks like it set out to promote the city ahead of the Olympic Games being hosted there in 1976 and you can see that the reverse side of the Lanzarote and Amsterdam cards is to write home to your loved ones on. Being that the grooves are pressed into the card on a wafer-thin transparent flexi overlay the music on these discs is virtually unplayable and, as you can see from the photos, pressing music onto cardboard has the draw back of it bowing which make it impossible to play with the needle skipping.Flex43_LanzarotefrontFlex43_Lanzaroteback  Flex43_Amsterdamfront Flex43_Amsterdamback As a bonus to the post I’ve added this Yugoslavian souvenir from the stalactite caves of Postojna released by the  tourist agency of Zagreb. The two records are 6″s and the slides are missing from this version. This is listed on Discogs in multiple versions with different covers and languages, I expect it was sold in the gift shop at the caves. Unfortunately none of the music or speech contained here is that interesting so I’ve not included sound files.Flex43_DiaphonfrontFlex43_DiaphondiscsFlex43_DiaphonlabelFlex43_Diaphonback

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