What is The Dark Outside?
24 Hours of Music nobody has heard before in a place where nobody might be listening.
Who is taking part?
There are quite a lot of contributors, you’d best scroll down the list here.
I’ve contributed an unreleased remix but it’s hidden in the line up.
Sept 26th-27th, 2015
Murrays Monument, Talnotry, The Galloway Forest Dark Skies Park, Scotland. More explicit directions are here
What’s the catch?
You need travel to one of the darkest places in the UK and bring a radio.
Can anyone contribute?
Yes! Send material to [email protected]
Where can I find more info?
What’s this?
The location that The Dark Outside will be broadcasting from (in the day of course)
PS. What is the Stolen Library?
Ah, that is something possibly even more wonderful