A mysterious package turned up yesterday, inside were three 7″‘s titled Rave Wars, each complete with an original Star Wars figure attached to the front in the style of the old Palitoy figures of yesteryear. Whoever sent them must have figured me for a follower of the dark side as I got Darth vader, a Tie Fighter pilot and an AT-AT driver. The back cover shows a gallery of characters from the first trilogy (collect all 77 – ah the memories). The labels are blank save for a rebel and imperial logo and the legends “If only you knew the power of the dark side” and “The Force is strong with the one” (sic). The music is a ravetastic barrage of amen breaks, electronics and samples from the first (only) three films. Any more I cannot tell you…
Hear and buy here but be quick there are only 200
A mysterious package turned up yesterday, inside were three 7
I got it, too. Will upload my pic to discogs, soon. Cool to see Darth Vader with a Ghetto Blaster. Did you see him with the swiss knife? Check out Amazon and have a look at the uploaded photos: http://www.amazon.de/Wenger-Schweizer-Offiziersmesser-Messer-Schatulle/dp/B000R0JDSI
Hey! We loved you guys and wanted to do a little feature…check it out if you can…
Thanks, the gang at ChinaShop
i know i know i know
shhhhh, don’t want anyone getting sued
ordered too man… they look MINT!! The paypal name is
……– the plot thickens…I watched that commentary the other day, so hilarious, I wish he’d addressed exactly what the Phantom Menace was supposed to be as well.
Nice one mate – ordered!
sweet! I love the first (only) three films comment…!
check out 70 minutes of youtube goodness on why episode one sucked so bad here: