Revolution Records tape haul

Trax tape
I turned up a really interesting load of tapes at Revolution Records in Penge, South East London the other week – pay them a visit, really good shop, only open a couple of years now. The collection was obviously from someone who worked in the dance music industry in the 80s and 90s and received a lot of promos. I think I’ve worked out who it was but not had confirmation yet.

Trax inlay
In amongst the haul was an early DJ Rolando mix, a Trax sampler with forthcoming tunes like Can You Feel It, We’re Rocking Down the House and No Way Back plus a megamix that I’m not sure was ever released.

Techno 1
Techno 2
UPDATE: I saw Rolando had found a copy of his tape via his Instagram but the wrong tape was in the case, he’d done a call out for anyone with a copy so I sent it to him. Here’s the full mix on his Mixcloud, ripped from my cassette copy.

A sealed De La Soul Stakes is High sampler, a Disco Mix Club previews tape from early ’83 that’s not on Discogs and a Sugar Hill compilation of early 80s street soul that I can’t find either.

De La Soul
Sugar Hill
At one point in the Megamixers tape it cuts into two Beastie Boys demos from Licensed to Ill – the acoustic version of I’m Down and a version of Time To Get Ill that’s different to any of the other demos on the web, also a hissy recording of Run DMC’s original version of Slow & Low – nice. I might put some of these up on my Mixcloud Select at some point seeing as there’s still quite a few subscribers.

There’s early house music comps, an official Streetwave tape and some recordings of Rick Davis playing at Regals in Uxbridge and the Theatre, Wandsworth from the 80s and 90s complete with some very of-it’s-time on the mic shout outs, dedications and such.

Street wave
House Music
Rick Davis

6 thoughts on “Revolution Records tape haul

  1. I really don’t know Craig, I’ll digitise the tape and maybe someone will recognise the mixers, they seem to be semi-professionally done.

  2. Meant to ask btw, Megamixers ? I recall the Mixbusters that supplied a few incredible mixes for Jeff Youngs’ Big Beat shows, but Megamixers ? Another Tony Prince affiliation ?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. What a haul ! Not envious in any way, no, not me.

    ANNND im in West Norwood, and working in Penge atm ! AaaaGgHhhH !

    Regardless, the Beastie Boys demos are what caught my attention here although the DMC tape looks great [Just previews or actual mixes] ? The Streetwave tape is intriguing, the Trax Megamix has me salivating and the Rick Davis at Regals just screams James Hamilton RM reviews/ bpms…

    NB. Did you catch the shouts on the Caister Soul Weekenders tapes I shared a few beards back ? Similar vibes im sure, not the most PC but hey –

    Anyhoops, hopefully those Beastie Boys demos will be the first to be shared. I know alotta people will be fiendin to hear these.

  4. Amazing find! Would love to hear some of these on the Mixcloud Select page whenever your inclinations and schedules align :).

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