I made these for my boys over the last year or so, finally getting round to printing them up as posters for their bedroom. I claim no artistic credit for either aside from collecting the images from various multi-talented artists on the web and laying them all out. There have been several Star Wars ABC‘s attempted over the years and even more fine characterisations in a more child-friendly style. These images were mostly cribbed from JAKe, Joe Wight, Michael Fleming, Ben Ballestri and Steve Thomas. Images are of course all copyright Lucasfilm Ltd.
Can you share the files pls?
Ok…but how did you print them? I tried and they said it was copyrighted
I don’t I’m afraid Alison, sorry
If you made that into a poster, do you till have the file? I’m looking for something like this for my on’s room
Those look awesome!
For a second there you made me forget how George Lucas’ constant “revisionism” of his works pretty much ruined my fondness for the series.